[還在演] Everyone will want to have a Saab

2/27 Turkish Brightwell pulls out – “GM wants to kill Saab”

Zamier Ahmed says this to www.di.se tonight.
Reason to this is the attitude if GM
“Everything was under control and we where excepting final feedback from GM. They changed their position in the very last minute. I am sorry to say that I have never seen such behavior from a company of that size ever”
Said by Zamier Ahmed and he is really disappointed.
He claims that they have put a plan on the table for Saabs future, GM has not only showed their unwillingness to cooperate but also the conclusion made by Ahmed that GM wants to kill Saab.
Brightwell says that everyone has been very cooperative in their work process lawyers, everyone…
More tomorrow on this….

2/28 Statement from Brightwell to SU

It is with great regret that we must inform you that we have withdrawn from the race for Saab. GM’s intransigence to cooperate and forge a relationship to revive Saab and additionally create revenue for GM was “not in the interests of its shareholders”. We remain bemused, shocked and above all disappointed that we could not join the Saab family.
We hope that Saab finds a home where its new owner will sustain the company’s heritage as we planned to.

看來土耳其出局 , saab到底會怎麼呢?


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