Alla kommer att vilja ha en Saab

"Everyone will want to have a Saab"
They decided last summer and says that their technology with Saab can create a unique product.
他們去年夏天決定, 並且說, 他們的技術與Saab,可以創造一個獨特的產品。
Bright Wells Holdings visiting Sweden has not led them to change their minds.
Brightwell 控股公司訪問瑞典並沒有導致他們去改變他們的想法。
TTELA have met the Turkish company in Gothenburg.


Zamier Ahmed.
Photo: Stefan Benn Hage

Zamier Ahmed, director of the investment company, is between meetings when we meet in a hotel lobby in central Gothenburg. His phone is on silent but blinking constantly. These are busy days for Ahmed, who arrived in western Sweden yesterday morning after a day in Stockholm together with the company's founder and CEO Alphan Manas. Much is currently confidential because negotiations are ongoing, but Ahmed can confirm that the company has not changed its approach. On the contrary:

Zmier Ahmed, 土耳其投資公司的總裁, 是我們在他們會議空檔當中於哥登堡市中心的酒店大廳見面。他的手機切在靜音, 但是閃爍不停。這幾天是Ahmed, 於昨天上午抵達於瑞典西部, 隨後當天在斯德哥爾摩與該公司的創始人兼董事長Alphan Manas一起忙碌的日子。目前大部分是保密的, 因為談判正在進行當中, 但Ahmed可以證實該公司並沒有改變其做法。恰與此相反的:

- We will place a bid, but we want to do this right.It requires many analyzes, and Saab is a huge undertaking.

- 我們將會出一個開價,但我們想要做個正確 。 這需要許多分析,Saab是一個非常艱鉅的事業。

At the same time you eager to start production and believe that after completing the deal is the timeframe two months is unthinkable.


- As I said before, we want to start as soon as possible. Supply chain is not currently intact, but we will of course ensure that all parts of Saab is working. Our goal in all of our investments that they will meet with great success in the end, and in this case, it requires that everyone is happy, says Ahmed, who confirms that Brightwell also interested in Saab subsidiary Parts.

- 正如我之前說過,我們要盡快啟動(生產)。供應鏈目前狀況是不完整的,但我們當然會確信Saab的所有部門是可以運作。我們的目標,在我們所有的投資,最終他們將在最終獲得巨大的成功,因此在這種情況下,它需要每個人都愉快,Ahmed說,他也證實Brightwell對Saab子公司-零件部門, 也有興趣。

Alphan Mans founded Brightwell in 2006, and is described by his colleague as a man with a strong outlook, intelligent - a board member of Turkish Mensa, among other things - and is a well known person in the home country. The company's previous investments spans many spheres, but an interest in the environment is the main theme.

Alphan Mans於2006年成立Brightwell,他被他的同事描述為一名具有強烈願景的男人,聰明 - 一位土耳其Mensa的董事會成員描述,除此之外 - 他是在國內眾所周知的人物。該公司的先前投資跨越許多領域,但對環保議題的興趣是主要的議題。

- To say that Saab is similar to one of our previous investments are not. Saab is a unique animal in any way. You can not compare with another brand of car, either, says Ahmed.

- 如果說Saab是類似於我們先前的某一項投資。以任何方式Saab是一個獨特的動物。Ahmed說,你也不能拿來與其他品牌的汽車比較。

But Brightwells earlier investments - as well as an ongoing negotiation with a yet unnamed company - could fit very well with Saab, says Ahmed.

Ahmed說,但是Brightwell 的早期投資 - 以及正在進行中的一家不具名公司的談判 - 可以很好地與Saab適配。

- Overall, the company fits into our portfolio, and using the products we had previously invested in and Saab's technical expertise, we would eventually be able to do one of the most environmentally friendly cars, says Ahmed.

- 總體而言,該公司符合我們的產品組合,利用我們先前的投資產品和Saab的技術專長,我們將最終能夠做到為最環保的汽車之一,Ahmed說。

- I am convinced that in the future, everyone will want to have a Saab. Everyone.

- 我相信在未來,每個人將會想要擁有一部Saab。

How do you plan to Saab to be controlled?


- We will be adding a line to the exclusion of people from the automotive industry.

- 我們將增加一隊非來自汽車行業的人員。

Where do you see Saab in a year during Brightwell?


- We produce cars. How many is too early to tell, but I see that we produce and deliver.

- 我們生產汽車。多少數量為時過早,但我看到我們的生產和交付。

If you are considering production also in Turkey?


- We've talked about this, of course, but it is not in our current business plan. But in the long run, if it is successful, absolutely. The markets we want to focus on is the current, so to speak. U.S., Europe, of course.

- 我們已經談過這個議題,是當然,但它不是在我們目前的業務計劃。但是,從長遠目標,如果它是成功的,絕對會這麼做的。我們希望把聚焦於當前市場,可以這麼說, 當然是 美國, 歐洲。

According to Ahmed counted Saab as a premium brand in his homeland. For over half a year he has led Brightwell Headquarters which focuses on Saab.

根據Ahmed說法, 在他的家鄉Saab算是高及品牌。他已經讓Brightwell總部聚焦在Saab身上過去超過半年時間。

When did you decide to go for it?


- In mid-summer. Of course, the bankruptcy affected the process, but the situation of us can not compare with the employees. I really feel for them, says Ahmed, and tells of an occasion during the autumn when he was on a visit to a European city got the message "Saving Saab, Saab saved me."

- 在夏至。當然,破產影響到進度,但我們的情況仍無法與員工比擬。Ahmed說, 我真的感受到他們, 同時訴說當他在去年秋天訪問歐洲的一個城市的一個場合時得到一項訊息 “拯救Saab,因為Saab救過我。

-The person had been hit by a truck, a terrible accident. While people around had been injured, had he not received a scratch. "Saab saved me," and THAT is one of the factors that make this company so attractive. The safety. That and all the technology, the people around it and design, says

- 這個人曾經被一輛卡車撞擊,在一場可怕的意外事故。當周圍的人都已經受傷,但他卻沒有一絲劃傷。 “Saab救了我” , 那就是讓這家公司有如此大的吸引力的因素之一。安全。這是跟所有的技術,圍繞在它周遭的人及設計相關,他說:

- I think it's a sexy car, he says, smiling.

- 我認為它是一部性感的汽車,他微笑地說。

Anna-Karin Nils Gustafsson
SAAB加油 我慢慢等你~~

陳宗瑋 wrote:


陳宗瑋 wrote:

我們都知道你不喜歡Saab的外型, 你已經在另一篇發表過你的高見了, 所以我知道你沒有買Saab
沒有必要在另一個topic再跟大家說你有多不喜歡Saab的外型, 謝謝

陳宗瑋 wrote:


阿 是我老了嗎............

陳宗瑋 wrote:


我認為很好看所以才會下訂呀! 總不成自己還花大錢買自己覺得醜的東西?

最近一直看另一楝大樓裡一堆人批評 SAAB 的車,還說它快被淘汰了;

我真想說…請還給我一個乾淨的 SAAB 版面吧!

我只想看看對我有幫助的討論;至於買 SAAB 值不值得…

那些批評的人又不買 SAAB,所以他們寫的東西基本上我是完全不看的!


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