There are two ways to cope with the current situation of the China-U.S relationship: Diplomatically, the U.S should maintain a strategy of ambiguity towards the Taiwan issue. Yet, militarily, the Navy and the forces should prepare themselves and get ready for any conflict and crisis that may happen in the next 5 or 10 years. Ambiguity certainly has a point here. if the U.S make declaratory statement to support Taiwan under any circumstance, the independence factions would have gone so far as to put us in great danger, which should be definitely avoided. On the contrary, the military part can, and should have a clear and resolute attitude and policies towards the PRC's threats as it imposes on Taiwan, the East and the South China sea. To put it simple: we must be ambiguous publicly and being clear and alert internally. We should encourage our friends in Taiwan to establish the effective dialog with PRC, not on the basis of 92 principle of course, but as well, not on the separatist intent to be held, either. May be the issue of integration of some distant future instead of 92 principle could work in this possible dialog. Anyway, I don't know what a common ground could bring them into an effective dialog. But they got to talk, and most of all Taiwan should play a more active role in this, not the other way around.


forestkung wrote:

Biden: Like I don't know?

列強就是要製造分裂的中國, 這大家都知道呀!! 這才符合歐美的利益!! 雖然歐美列強背後有準備大棒, 但中國背後也藏支大鐵槌, 未來最後就看大棒強還是鐵槌硬了!!

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