現役的球二代,最當紅的,非咖喱Stephen Curry 莫屬,而且勇士隊有一大堆的球二代。但論老爸的實力,他的隊友 Klay Thompson 和 Gary Payton II 的爸爸們,恐怕是大勝咖喱的老爸 Dell Curry。Andrew Wiggins 則是另一個球二代,只是他的老爸並不出名,也較鮮為人知。

和 Gary Payton 一起活躍在 90 年代的 Tim Hardaway,他的 Hardaway Jr 似乎只在獨行俠賺到了合約,連全明星也沒有,成就不如老爸,也沒有 Gary Payton II 的冠軍命。

菜鳥當中,最近的魔術隊選中的 Jett Howard 頗受好評,他的老爸是 Juwan Howard,前密西根五虎的成員。其於的四虎,似乎沒有孩子出名的。勇士的菜鳥 Trayce Jackson-Davis 由母親和繼父撫養,傳聞沒跟老爸 Dale Davis 相認,他的故事也算是一個另類的球二代傳奇。

當然,論到球二代,最紅的,就是布朗尼,LeBron James 的大兒子,他也將在明年投入選秀。而布朗尼在未來的成就呢? 恐遠遠不及老爸!

上季的最佳防守球員,灰熊 Jaren Jackson Jr 與火箭去年的榜眼 Jabari Smith 則是青出於藍的例子,不僅選秀順位佳,實力也大勝自己的老爸。

眾所周知的天下第二人之子 Scottie Pippen Jr,至今仍在湖人奮進,但可知的是要像老爸一樣大紅大紫,還有一段距離要走。同為公牛王朝一份子的球二代的 Ron Harper Jr 也仍在暴龍尋求表現的機會。同年闖 NBA 的 Shareef O'Neal 則是還在 NBA G League Ignite 等待機會,希望他別放棄!

另外,也許你聽過的老鷹小前鋒 AJ Griffin,他的老爸 Adrian Griffin 正準備執教 ,算是比較不一樣的球一與球二的組合。這讓人聯想到老河與小河的這對父子,希望 AJ Griffin 將來千萬不可去公鹿隊。

年輕的一代的籃球迷,也許可以去復習灌籃大賽,看看鵜鶘 Larry Nance Jr 老爸過去的英姿,最近,他的弟弟 Pete Nance 也加入了老爸的騎士隊的夏聯球隊,不過,也只能摸到了這一點點邊。

如果,你有在關注美國的高中籃球,又多加了幾名球二代。其中最紅的是 Carlos Boozer 的兒子 twins Cameron and Cayden,尤其是 Cam Boozer 已經有 NBA 準狀元的聲勢。此外,就是詹皇的二公子布魯斯,據聞,他的手感極佳,身高又優於哥哥布朗尼,因此,獲得了較高的評價。此外,甜瓜 Carmelo Anthony 之子 Kiyan Anthony 也正在努力奮起,小有知名度,並非靠爸而已。

高中屆,最新竄紅的球二代是人類影片精華 Dominique Wilkins 之稱的兒子 Jacob Wilkins,後續的成長也值得觀察。

最後,聊一下大學圈的球二代。一位是讀肯塔基的雙能衛 DJ Wagner 和史丹佛的射手 Andrej Stojakovic,兩人最快可於明年投入選秀,兩人的風格和老爸相似,能不能出頭呢?

外籍的星二代中,最爭氣的,是目的是國王的 Domantas Sabonis,未來的發展會是朝穩定的 De'Aaron Fox 副手。以 Sabonis 的性格看,數據亮眼,卻無法成為了一哥,不似 Dirk 那樣有企圖心。

本文篇幅長,會持續更新 ....
球二代真的壓力山大 讓他們做自己吧
forceeric wrote:
球二代真的壓力山大 ...(恕刪)


mykukoc wrote:
此外,甜瓜 Carmelo Anthony 之子 Kiyan Anthony 也正在努力奮起,小有知名度,並非靠爸而已。

The younger Anthony is a 6-foot-5 wing in the class of 2025 who attends Christ the King High School in New York.

Anthony is ranked as the No. 10 shooting guard on the site(247Sports)’s composite ranking and the No. 1 player in New York.

“I’m trying to get to the NBA and I’m trying to produce in the NBA,” Anthony said. “I want to prove I’m one of the best players in the country.”

La La(母親,La La Anthony) said: “It’s incredible to have a father and a teacher like Melo to show you so many things, but it’s also important to make your own path. And I think that’s what he’s doing”

但怎麼沒提到Jimmy Butler(誤
Mr.Jeff7830 wrote:
但怎麼沒提到Jimmy Butler


Who are Jimmy Butler’s parents? Is he related to Michael Jordan?

「“What happened when you were in Tomball, Texas, around 13 years old?”

Jimmy Butler.“My mom kicked me out of my house to tell you the truth”

他被逐出家門!後來,Jimmy Butler was homeless at 13. Michelle adopted him and gave him a home/love. 被收養。

Jimmy Butler’s mother, Londa, studied at Lone Star College and eventually pursued a career as a medical office receptionist. Now she works as a caregiver in her old community of Tomball, Texas. Not much is known about Jimmy Butler’s father’s profession as of now.

There has been some serious speculation regarding Jimmy Butler and his connection to NBA legend Michael Jordan. Many insinuate Jordan could be the father of Butler, as there had been rumors of MJ having a secret child outside of his marriage with Juanita Vanoy.

This, however, precisely originated from their physique and playing style similarity. Many had assumed Jordan had paid Londa Butler to keep his name secret, and she had ousted Jimmy when his allowances stopped coming. There has been no legitimate ground for the matter, and it remains a widely celebrated joke only.

Widely celebrated joke !
mykukoc wrote:
最後,聊一下大學圈的球二代。一位是讀肯塔基的雙能衛 DJ Wagner 和史丹佛的射手 Andrej Stojakovic,兩人最快可於明年投入選秀,兩人的風格和老爸相似,能不能出頭呢?

Ashton Hardaway ,6-7, 195,應該不難猜他是誰的兒子,沒錯,他是 Penny Hardaway 的二兒子,傳言他要去曼菲斯大學,希望他能擺脫靠爸的說詞,因為,他老爸正是這所學校籃球隊的教練。

Ashton Hardaway 在高四賽季,曾轉學到布朗尼的高中,與 Bronny James 同隊,這兩名星二代都遠遠不及自己的老爸,同隊之後,也沒有造成多大的震撼,話題十足,但實質上沒有打出名堂。

Bronny James 已承諾加盟 USC (南加大),日期因練球時突然昏倒,目前能否繼續打球狀況不明。而我相信。以現代醫學的進步,應該可以很快早出病因,除非需要動刀或是遲遲無法診斷,布朗尼重返籃球場是遲早的事。

只是,Bronny James 還能走多遠 ? 這一跤 (心臟停止事件),恐怕要付出代價。
mykukoc wrote:
Ashton Hardaway...(恕刪)

Alijah Arenas!!

The second act of Gilbert Arenas:The three-time NBA All-Star is a father of five — including elite 2026 prospect Alijah Arenas — entering a new phase, fighting for his kids like his father fought for him。

This is the story of a father and a son, the son who became a father and the prodigy who will exceed them both … although he doesn’t know it yet.

The Second Act of Gilbert Arenas begins on a very dark night.

我不認為,我不看好 Alijah Arenas,至少,目前是如此。

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