[還在演] 新數據: Saab公司出售不遲於4月30日

New data: Saab Store April 30
新數據: Saab公司出售不遲於4月30日
Posted on: 13:01 pm , News P4 West 1 comment
30 April to Saab's bankruptcy have a deal done, say sources with good insight for P4 West.And today, also Chinese Youngman met with both the Treasury and the Social Democrats' leader Stefan Lofven.
4月30日將是Saab的破產已經交易完成的日子,根據提供給P4 West的可靠消息來源所描述 。今天, 同時也是中國青年拜會財政部和社會民主黨的領導人 Staefan Lofven。

During the day, China Youngman met with both the Treasury and the Social Democrats' leader Stefan leaves, experience P4 West. Moreover, the liquidators will have a deal completed before April 30, according to several sources.
今天當中,中國青年拜會了財政部和社會民主黨的領導人 Stefan Lofan,根據P4 West的消息。此外,管理者將在4月30日前完成交易,根據一些消息來源。
As time passes, the more intense the struggle surrounding Saab's bankruptcy estate and the tempo of the bidders and the administrators now screwed up. Because, according to data to P4 West to the administrators, Hans Bergqvist and Anne-Marie Pouteaux, have an affair finished before April is over.
隨著時間的流逝,越來越激烈的競爭圍繞Saab的破產資產而競標者的節奏和管理者現在正繃緊神經。因為,根據P4 West對於管理者的數據,Hans Bergqvist和 Anne-Marie Pouteaux,對此Saab事物已經決定要在四月結束前完成。

The only bidder so far officially commented that it has made a bid for the bankrupt estate are Chinese Youngman.
- We have a plan to buy Saab, said owner and founder Pang Qingnian in an interview with P4 West on Friday.
- 我們有一個收購Saab的計畫,所有人和創始人龐青年在上週五接受P4 West採訪時說。
As part of the plan, the company during the day, visited both the Ministry of Finance and the Social Democrats, experience P4 West. At the meeting with the Ministry of Finance, representatives of Bank of China and the Chinese Embassy in Stockholm, but what was involved is still unclear.
作為該計劃的一部分,該公司在今天,拜訪了財務部和社會民主黨,P4 West的消息。在財政部會議上,中國銀行及在斯德哥爾摩的中國大使館有代表與會,但討論內容目前尚不得而知。
- It could be a courtesy gesture, or a meeting for spare parts company, Saab Parts, said a source with good insight into P4 West.
- 這可能是一個禮貌性拜會,或是針對Saab零件公司(SPAB)的會議,P4 West的可靠消息來源說明。(Alan: 青年的20億瑞典必報價是不含Saab零件公司)

Part The company is now owned by the State and National Debt Office, as the EIB, the European Investment Bank, bought out their loans for Saab's bankruptcy.
In addition to meeting the Chinese have today also met with Social Democratic party leader Stefan Lofven, a former base for IF Metall.
除了中國今天已經拜會社會民主黨領導人 Stefan Lofven之外,也拜會前IF Metal(Saab工會之一)的本部。
There will also be information in the Indian media that Tata Motors has made a bid $ 350 million (about 2.3 billion Swedish crowns) on the estate. Something that specifically rejected by the company chairman Ratan Tata.
- No, we have not done, he said during the Geneva Motor Show to the Wall Street Journal.
- "不,我們沒有做",他在日內瓦車展對華爾街日報說。
- But I know another Indian company that has done so: Mahindra.
- "但我知道另一家印度公司已經做了, 那是 Mahindra"。



多比較 wrote:




invent0831 wrote:



而且聽不只一個人說 OPEL狀況也不太好

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