"Brightwell has the potential"

Victor Muller ruling on Brightwell Holdings
Victor Muller正在操盤Brightwell 控股公司

- I truly believe that Brightwell has both the means and the wherewithal to buy the Saab.
- 我堅信,Brightwell擁有手段和必要的資金來購買Saab。
It says the previous owner of Saab, Victor Muller, to TTELA, on the Turkish investment company Brightwell Holdings chances to buy Saab.
Saab的前東家,Victor Muller,對TTELA這樣說著有關土耳其投資公司Brightwell控股收購Saab的可能性。


Representatives from Brightwell Holdings is currently in Sweden and Gothenburg, but already yesterday landed the company's director Zamier Ahmed in Stockholm and converged with Victor Muller. Muller helps Brightwell of preparing a bid, and he supports the company's chances to take over Saab.

Brightwell控股集團的代表,目前正在瑞典及哥登堡,而已經在昨天降落在斯德哥爾摩的該公司總裁Zamier Ahmed與Victor Muller做了會合。Muller協助Brightwell 做投標準備, 他支持Brightwell公司的可能性去接管Saab。

TTELA asked Muller why he thinks that just Brightwell in the best position to buy Saab and why GM would say yes to the company?

TTELA問Muller,為什麼他認為只有Brightwell是位於最佳的位置去收購Saab和為什麼GM公司將會對該公司說 "是"?

- I can not comment on the matter more than that I really think Brightwell has both the means and conditions required to purchase the entire Saab said Victor Muller.

-Victor Muller說 - 我真的認為 Brightwell 擁有需要購買整個Saab的手段和條件除此之外我不能對此多做評論,。

For TT, Muller said he believes that Brightwell is the candidate with the frontrunner to get the opportunity to build Saab's current models, 9-3, 9-4 X and 9-5, where General Motors so far refused to concede licenses for a buyer.
對於TT, Muller說,他相信Brightwell是獲得GM公司同意最佳候選人去生產, GM目前為止拒絕買家去使用其技術執照於Saab目前車型, 9-3,9-4 X和9-5。

Brightwell already contacted Saab in the reorganization last fall with a desire to buy into.


Victor Muller had Turkey as a track to save Saab when the Chinese plank creaked. He has met with representatives from the Turkish government and has also had a meeting with the Turkish ambassador in Stockholm.

Victor Muller 在當中國的收購出現問題時以土耳其作為一個行動路線, 以拯救Saab。他曾經會見了土耳其政府的代表,也與土耳其在斯德哥爾摩的大使進行過會議。

According to current industry say they Brightwell have strong support from the Turkish state. The company is also said to be backed financially by the oil interests in the Middle East
根據目前工業日報的說法,Brightwell擁有來自土耳其國家的大力支持。該公司還表示, 其背後還有在中東的石油利益的財政支撐

新聞原始連結: Brightwell har förutsättningarna


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