So should Brightwell buy Saab

2012-02-09 06:15

On Wednesday, landed on the Turkish Saab speculator Brightwell Holdings' management duo in Sweden to sew up the bag to its bid. met with board member Zamier Ahmed, who confirms that he will meet with the administrators. Within three months, he thinks that the battle for Saab is settled.
本週三(2/8),土耳其Saab投資者Brightwell控股集團兩位管理者降落在瑞典土地將對它的投標袋子縫合(Alan: 準備好它的投標)。 Di.se會見董事會成員Zamier Ahmed,他確認他將會拜會管理者們。在三個月內,他認為對Saab這個戰役將獲得解決。

"I'm meeting my team who are on site and get feedback from them, give them the remainder of the valuation and meet other parties linked to Saab," said Ahmed Zamier when met him in Stockholm on Wednesday evening.
“我正在跟我的收購分析團隊進行會議並從他們那裡得到反饋,給于他們估算值的餘額並與Saab相關連的單位會面", Zamier Ahmed說, 當di.se週三晚上在斯德哥爾摩會見了他。

On Thursday, he goes on to Gothenburg and Trollhattan. Along for the ride are his colleague Alphan Manas, Chairman of Brightwell Holdings.
週四(2/9),他前往哥登堡和Trollhattan。隨行的,是他的同事Alphan Manas,Brightwell控股集團董事長。

The last month a group of nine people from Brightwell Holdings, consisting of both economists and engineers, have been in place in Sweden and the collected information to work with the valuation of assets, says Zamier Ahmed.
上個月, 一組來自 Brightwell 控股公司由經濟學家和工程師所組成的九名團員, 曾停留於瑞典同時針對資產評估做了資訊收集, Zamier Ahmed說 。

"We have both a technical and a financial team - both reporting to me," he says.
“我們擁有技術和財務的團隊 - 兩者向我報告”, 他說。

The Turkish investment company shall meet with the administrators during the visit to Sweden, confirms Zamier Ahmed. But few details, he would not go into with reference to the confidentiality agreement that the investment company has entered into with the administrators.
這家土耳其投資公司在拜訪瑞典期間應該拜會管理者, 這獲得 Zamier Ahmed 的證實。但細節資料很少, 他不想進入談論有關他們公司與管理者已經簽署的保密協議。

When will you place a bid?

"Not during my stay here, but not too far away," he says.
“不會是在我逗留這裡的期間, 但不會太遙遠”, 他說。

The receivers have been very secretive about how the sale process is progressing, but indicated Tuesday that the goal is that a solution will be in port during February.

When do you think we will see a clear Saab Store?

"That can only bankruptcy trustees say. We are only a part who wants to buy the assets. If they would accept it, we would close the deal very quickly," says Zamier Ahmed.
Zamier Ahmed 說:“那僅能由破產受託人來說 。 我們只是想要收購資產的單位之一, 假如他們接受了它(Brightwell), 我們就會很快達成交易。

As previously reported to Brightwell Holdings buy the entire Saab Automobile and retain the brand. The plan is to continue production in Trollhattan. But Zamier Ahmed gives no notice of many people who could get a job.
作為di.se此前報導有關Brightwell控股集團要收購整個Saab汽車和保留品牌。這項計劃是繼續在Trollhattan的生產。但是Zamier Ahmed沒有提示有多少人可以得到這一份工作。

"It's too early to tell, but we will do our best to bring back as many people as we can."
“目前言之過早, 但我們將會盡我們最大努力地盡可能多的人。”

Zamier Ahmed has previously criticized the Saab's previous hard line, including Saab's former CEO Victor Muller. But now they have close contact.
Zamier Ahmed 先前曾經嚴苛批判Saab的過去的強硬作風,包括Saab前首席執行長 Victor Muller。但他們現在卻密切地聯繫。

"He helps us and we get very valuable information from him. His former team that he has relationships is important to us. This includes the engineering and structure."
“他幫助我們, 而我們從他那兒得到非常有價值的資訊。他的先前團隊及他與他們擁有的關係對我們非常重要,這包括工程和結構。”

But how can he be your adviser, now that you have criticized him? '

"He is our adviser. He has a sincere interest in Saab. "

Why do you want to acquire Saab, is not it a huge uphill battle?
你為什麼要收購Saab, 它是不是一項巨大的攻堅戰?

"I think it could be a very successful business on the right led and financed right," said Ahmed Zamier and get back to what he considers to be a fantastic product and a brand with "a tremendous legacy."
“我認為若有正確的領導及財務它可能會是一個非常成功的事業”, Zamier Ahmed 說,同時它會回復到他認為的一個卓越的產品和具有 "龐大的遺產" 的品牌。”

Brightwell Holdings' financial muscle has been questioned in the media. But critics dismiss Zamier Ahmed.
Brightwell控股集團的財務實力一直被媒體質疑。但批評者反駁Zamier Ahmed。

"We have been very successful in the acquisitions we have made," he says, not wanting to name the investors behind the company is.
“在我們已經完成的收購案例我們已經非常成功”, 他說, 但是不想來說出該公司背後的投資者是誰。

"We also have support from the government, that we have in all projects. It is mostly about moral support. "
“在我們所有的專案項目, 我們都也有來自政府的支持, 最主要是道義上的支持。“

How much would you invest in Saab?

"We're talking about several hundred million."
“我們正在談論約幾億元(Alan: 不知道幣值, 猜是瑞典幣)。”

Brightwell Holdings discussions with GM, which owns the rights to the critical technology licenses, continuing as Zamier Ahmed.
Brightwell控股集團與GM公司討論,它擁有關鍵技術執照的權利,Zamier Ahmed 繼續說。

What do you think about the end, how will the situation be in three months?
你認為最後會變為如何, 在三個月內的情況會是如何?

"Until then, I think the best man will have won. Whoever does the best for Saab will win the Saab. Company must remain intact. Will there be fragmented is no Saab left."
他說:“到那時候, 我認為最好的人將會勝出。誰爲Saab做得最好將會贏得Saab。公司必須保持完整無傷。不可以是體無完膚的Saab。”

終於等到了 Jog大最新的「還在演」系列!


前幾天去台中青海廠找我的 sales,他也是說應該土耳其會得標;

希望快點復工呀! 不然我的 93 不知要何時才牽得到車!
JogNien wrote:
So should ...(恕刪)


JogNien wrote:

請問 土耳其 若得標
SAAB是屬於 亞洲車還是歐洲車?


土耳其的西北邊是東色雷斯(即東南歐洲),24476km²,剩餘的部分則算是小亞細亞(又稱安那托利亞)。安那托利亞半島形狀大致呈長方形,占土耳其總面積97%。色雷斯所佔面積雖不超過3%,卻包含土耳其人口10%以上,其中大部分住在伊斯坦堡。色雷斯與小亞細亞被博斯普魯斯海峽、達達尼爾海峽和馬爾馬拉海分開,隔黑海與羅馬尼亞、烏克蘭、俄羅斯和喬治亞相望。 土耳其大部分屬高原地形,地殼持續變動,地震頻仍。
LineageAdmin wrote:
請問 土耳其 若得標
SAAB是屬於 亞洲車還是歐洲車?

請問Jeremy Lin 是台灣人還是美國人?

喔!是saab! wrote:
請問Jeremy L...(恕刪)


LineageAdmin wrote:
請問 土耳其 若得標...(恕刪)




Get a life.


不過 土耳其人要接收最好


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