[還在演] 土耳其: Brightwell在簽署好秘密協議後對Saab工程師做出緊急聲明

看來 SAAB 在這兩週內會有結果!

TURKEY: Brightwell to make imminent Saab engineer statement as confidentiality deal inked
土耳其: Brightwell在簽署好秘密協議後對Saab工程師做出緊急聲明

Author: Simon Warburton | 27 January 2012

Turkish private equity company Brightwell Holdings is to make an imminent statement on retaining skilled engineers at Saab, following the inking of a confidentiality agreement with the bankrupt automaker's receivers.

就在與破產汽車公司接手者簽署秘密協議之後, 土耳其私人資產公司Brightwell控股公司正做出緊急聲明以留住具有技術的工程師在Saab.

Some 4,000 workers face redundancy in Saab's home town of Trollhattan, but Brightwell appears anxious to retain a core element of skilled staff in order to restart the 對於留住核心的技術員工 .

在Saab的故鄉Trollhattan大約4000員工面臨解僱, 此時Brightwell出現焦慮地要留住核心的技術員工使得公司可以重新啟動.

There have been reports of high attendance at job fairs in Trollhattan as the near 4,000 workforce seeks alternative employment, but Brightwell is looking to attract as many of the skilled engineers for example, as possible.

有項報導顯示高達將近有4000名人力的參予就業博覽會尋找新工作機會, 然而Brightwell目前正在盡可能吸引收越多的技術工程師

"At the end of the day, Saab will not be the entity we want it to be if we don't have skilled engineers for local production," Brightwell Holdings partner Zamier Ahmed toldjust-auto. "We will make a statement with regards to that in the very near future [when] we have a better picture of the positioning for our proposal.

"當一切結束之後, Saab將不會是我們想要的一個實體, 假如我們沒有技術的工程師做為當地生產的話", Brightwell 控股公司股東Zamier Ahmed告訴just-auto. "當我們的草案有更具體清楚之後我們將會做出一項聲明有關於即將未來的藍圖"

"The core of Saab is the people - without these core people we don't have a product. We will do everything we can to make sure we provide an intelligent and sustainable platform for former workers of Saab to work with us."

"Saab的核心是人員 - 沒有了這些核心人員我們無法生產製造. 對於先前Saab員工我們會盡可能去確立一項明智且可以接受的平台來跟我們一起工作"

Brightwell has been in regular contact with Saab for some time prior to its recent bankruptcy and appears to be one of two front-runners for the Swedish automaker, along with Chinese manufacturer, Youngman, although the Turks have now gone public with their confidentiality deal.

Brightwell在Saab破產之前一直以來都很定期地與Saab進行接觸, 目前顯現出它將會這家瑞典汽車製造公司的屬一屬二的跑者, 雖然土耳其現在已經公開表態他們的秘密協議, 但是身旁跟隨形著還有中國的製造廠, 青年.

"We have signed a confidentiality agreement - we wait for the trustee to invite bids and we will make our proposal," said Ahmed. "I am sure there are other parties - our Chinese friends Youngman have been making lots of noises and have been since last week."

"我們已經簽署秘密協議-我們正等待管理者的邀請投標而我們將會提出我們的提案", Ahmed說. "我相信還有其他單位-中國朋友青年汽車自上週起也已經製造許多雜音"

Ahmed also stressed Brightwell was looking to acquire Saab in its entirety and would not seek to break up the company. "It is either all or nothing," he said, scotching any rumours Saab could be moved out of Sweden.

Ahmed也強調Brightwell過去以來希望可以取得Saab它的全部同時不尋求將公司拆解. "它要不是全部就是不要," 他說, 這項是針對謠言中傷Saab可能移出瑞典說明

"We are not interested in bits and pieces - I want to keep Saab Swedish," he said.

"我們沒有興趣一小塊或一小片 - 我要將Saab保留在瑞典," 他說

The regional government in Vastra Gotaland where Saab is situated, recently announced a series of measures worth SEK90m (US$13.3m) to try and ease the plight of mass redundancy in Trollhattan.

Saab 位於 Vastra Gotaland的區域政府最近宣布了價值 9000萬瑞典幣(美金1330萬)的一系列措施,試圖緩和Trollhattan大規模裁員的困境。

Among the measures were improved transport links to nearby Norway and Gothenburg, where Volvo is based, in a bid to alleviate what some have estimated could be up to 12,000 unemployed workers in both Saab and its supply chain.

其中一些措施包括了與挪威和哥登堡附近的交通聯繫改善,沃爾沃總部所在地,為了減輕一些估計可能高達 1.2萬失業工人在薩博和其供應鏈。

Youngman was not immediately available for comment.


别在演了啊~ 我要新9-3
JogNien wrote:

"I want to keep Saab Swedish"

- Architecture -

我現在打算好好把這部由SAAB Automobile AB製造出廠,從戈登堡港運來的MY03 9-5開到報廢
vane-ecopower wrote:

這部分 GM 多少都有吸收吧!!!!

杜蘭特 wrote:
這部分 GM 多少都...(恕刪)

vane-ecopower wrote:

Buick Lacross 不就是跟 Saab 95 共用平台 所以想要享受95的操控性 開Lacross是個不錯的替代方案

Saab 之前所專精的安全方面的技術 渦輪增壓等 GM 旗下已有多款車應用了不是嗎


根據海外消息指出,瑞典政府轄下的瑞典債務管理室(Sweden's Debt Office)已協助目前已經宣告破產的SAAB汽車償還歐洲投資銀行的債務,而成為SAAB車廠目前最大債權人,這樣的動作有助於瑞典政府對於破產之後的SAAB有著更大的控制權利,也足以避免SAAB在破產清算的過程中被分割拆解出售,而能夠〝完整〞的售予未來有意參與競標的團隊。

SAAB在2009年由GM集團出售予Spyker手工超跑車廠之時,曾向歐洲投資銀行(European Investment Bank;EIB)借貸了4億歐元(約156億台幣)的金費以作為後續的營運與生產所需,但在宣告破產之後,SAAB車廠動仍然還有22億瑞典克朗(約9.6億台幣)的金額尚未償還,而目前相關的債務已經由瑞典政府所承擔(當時也是由瑞典政府向EIB進行擔保),因此也成為了SAAB車廠目前的最主要債權人。

瑞典債務管理室還表示,目前其持有SAAB Automobile Parts及SAAB Automobile Tools兩個子公司的股權,其價值仍高於債務的總額,因此瑞典政府在繼承最大債權人的地位後,將更具有主導SAAB破產程序與發展的能力,並且朝向於出售整個SAAB車廠,而非任其在破產清算過程中解體,相信這樣的處置才能夠對SAAB車廠的未來提供最佳的方向與東山再起的機會。


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