

一,機器出問題; 達不到他們公司所定下的每小時可生產的數據! (當然不可以因為每印10張就要停機清洗噴頭,否則就出現線圖,每次都要用大量葯水,時間要用5分鐘) 即是同商品說明條款有抵觸犯

二,我們公司不簽收(機器不合格)就說我公司要求過多; 認為機器安裝完成會印到10幾張部機會行,就要你收貨(質數唔得,收貨後再整,不簽收就人影都唔見) 以前不是這樣的。

三,機器出問題; 我當然不會俾錢供會! (但為合作問題,本公司都供左10幾期) 現在就話你無錢供機所以出律師信警告你要收機; 我絕對歡迎; 而且我公司可以隨時放幾百萬在律師外作公正。並不曷我公司出問題,以是你機器出問題! 我點供? (主因是本公司所有噴畫機都是惠普的不想關係太差)

四,本公司過去二十多年都選用惠普機價值2千多萬都沒有欠過他們一分錢。現在他們公司以大欺小; 對一個忠誠客戶,所以我希望各位同同業不要選用單一的噴畫機供應商本公司就是一個好例子; 他們可以不供應葯水,不同你維修;
讣充零件可以收不合理價錢; 這間公司機器你會買嗎?

總經理: 邱先權先生

To all peers, spray paint, sticker industry,

I am the managing director of East Asia Professional Photofinishing Laboratory limited, Mr. Yau Sin Kuen.

Lately I been on a business trip for two weeks and again I would like to share you our latest update between HP and our company.

1) There’s a problem in the operation of the Printing Machine: Every 10 printed paper, we need to clear the nozzles if not the printing will be weird and if we use more ink, it would take 5 minutes to operate the whole procedures which was a huge difference in the manual mentioned.

2) When we did not accept the printing machine from HP due to it’s standards. We been told by HP that our expectations is highly then theirs standards. What was even unacceptable was they will not provide any repairs and maintenance services unless we accepted the printing machine. (The services in HP was so much different that it was before)

3) Due to the printing machines operation issues, obviously we stopped the installment of the machine. (But because of the collaboration, our company has paid 10 installment in total before we stopped) But now, they said that our company has no money to paid for the installment so we hire a solicitors to follow up with this situation. To us, we think this is an unfair situation for us because our company could deposition the rest of the amount of the printing installment to the firm who’s in charge of our case as a proof that our company could afford the printing machine easily. Also, would you continue to pay for the installment if you knew there’s a problem with the operation of the printing machine?

4) As a loyalty client, we have been using HP printers for overly 40years and an estimate of approximately 20 million Hong Kong dollars without owning them a single cent. DO you think it’s fair for us as a loyalty client for overly 4 decades?

In here, I really hope that all peers, spray paint, sticker industry, not to consider of having just one suppliers for the printing machine as we are one of the examples for you to see. They quote us unreasonable prices for inks, repair and maintenance services and as well as printing equipment.

Honestly, would you buy a printing machine from this company?

East Asia Professional Photofinishing Laboratory Limited
Mr. Yau Sin Kuen
Managing Director

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