Synology DSM 6.X 正式版 Release Notes 發佈通知

foreignbuyer wrote:
Version: 6(恕刪)

ds1618+ 更新了, 沒有問題喔.
FB: Pctine
DSM 6.2.3是不是要採用手動更新的方式呢?
pctine wrote:
ds1618+ 更新(恕刪)
≡≡ 覺人之詐,不憤于言;受人之侮,不動于色;察人之過,不揚于他;施人之惠,不記于心 ≡≡

此更新預計在數週內發佈至所有地區,但各地區的實際發佈時間可能略有不同。若您欲提前更新至最新版,請前往下載中心並手動更新 DSM。

DSM 6.2.3是(恕刪)
版本: 6.2.3-25426


此更新預計在數週內發佈至所有地區,但各地區的實際發佈時間可能略有不同。若您欲提前更新至最新版,請前往下載中心並手動更新 DSM。

此更新修正下列在 6.2.3-25423 中發現的問題。
修正裝有 NVMe 裝置的 Synology NAS 可能因更新 NVMe 裝置的健康狀態快取而從休眠中喚醒的問題。
此更新將會重新啟動您的 Synology NAS。
從 DSM 6.2.3 起,停止支援 Google 雲端列印功能。
為避免 iSCSI 服務中斷,若存在任何運作中的 iSCSI 工作階段,DSM 自動更新及關機電源排程可能無法如期執行。
因應 2020 年 7 月 1 日起,TWNIC (財團法人台灣網路資訊中心) 將停止接受 DSM 用戶新的註冊,DSM 6.2.3 的 DDNS 服務供應商清單已移除前述單位。既有的 TWNIC DDNS 服務仍可繼續使用及編輯,但若刪除將無法再加回 DSM。
因應 Adobe 將於 2020 年底終止支援 Flash Player,此為最後一個在特定機種上支援將影像轉檔為 .flv 及 MPEG-4 Part 2 格式的 DSM 主要版本 (6.2)。
DSM 6.2.3 的新功能

Thin Provisioning LUN 在儲存空間容量用罄時將受保護,用戶端將無法在 LUN 上寫入資料,但可讀取既有資料。
新增支援網域使用者透過檔案協定 (包含:SMB、AFP、FTP、WebDAV) 登入 DSM 時,可輸入使用者主體名稱 (UPN)。
新增支援讓使用者自行選擇需要記錄的 SMB 傳輸事件,提供更符合需求的傳輸日誌。
新增支援用戶端使用者可透過 SMB 通訊協定來監控共用資料夾下子目錄的異動。
新增支援 UDF 檔案系統的外接裝置。
新增支援可在 High Availability 叢集中使用 Open vSwitch 選項。
新增支援 IP 衝突偵測,在發生 IP 衝突時可記錄於日誌並發送事件通知。
新增支援 Synology DDNS 的 Let's Encrypt 萬用字元憑證。
新增支援透過 HTTPS 連線時,若用戶端的 IP 位址發生變更,也不需再重新登入 DSM。
ext4 儲存空間上的 Thick Provisioning LUN 新增支援硬體輔助鎖定。
新增支援可在 DSM 的登入頁面自訂頁尾資訊。

修正 LDAP 使用者無法收到密碼即將過期通知的問題。
修正上傳相同檔名的 LDAP 憑證時不會覆蓋原有憑證的問題。
修正當 Windows AD 網域的 Domain Users 群組名稱不是「Domain Users」時,可能無法將應用程式權限設定正常套用至該群組的問題。
降低 Btrfs 檔案系統在特定環境下的延遲以改善系統反應情況。
修正 SNMP 未正確提供 Disk 及 RAID 的索引欄位。
提升多人同時登入 DSM 時的登入效能。
調整個人通知機制以符合最新的 Gmail API。
修正當停止 LUN 備份任務時,iSCSI 服務可能會中斷的問題。
移除擴充 Block LUN 容量的功能。

從較舊的 DSM 版本更新後,可能無法在搭載 macOS 10.15 的用戶端裝置上以 Google Chrome 瀏覽器透過 HTTPS 存取 DSM。
更新至 DSM 6.2.3-25426 後,如欲於 Surveillance Station 運行集中化管理系統 (CMS),須安裝 Surveillance Station 8.2.7 或以上版本。
Version: 6.2.3-25426-2

Important Note
Your Synology NAS may not notify you of this DSM update because of the following reasons. If you want to update your DSM to this version now, please click here to manually update it. Only Synology NAS with DSM 6.2.3 installed can be updated to this version.
The update is not available in your region yet. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
This update will restart your Synology NAS.
What's New

Added support for Synology Expansion Unit FX2421.
Fixed Issues

Fixed the issue where a DS920+ or DS720+ might not enter hibernation when its connected expansion unit has entered deep sleep.
Fixed the issue where drive status LED indicators on a connected expansion unit might not work properly when the expansion unit wakes up from deep sleep.
Fixed the issue where daylight saving time might not display correctly in certain time zones (e.g., Dublin, Casablanca).
Fixed the issue where mounted remote shared folders on a Synology NAS may cause volumes to operate improperly or the Synology NAS unable to shut down in certain scenarios.
Fixed the issue where the system might incorrectly prompt "drive slot disabled” notice when a DS413 or DS213+ wakes up from deep sleep.
Enhanced the performance in writing a large number of files to a Btrfs volume with RAID 1 configuration using hard disk drives (HDD).
Fixed the issue where Synology Universal Search and Synology Drive might consume excessive CPU resources when the option "Utilize unused memory as database cache to improve (search) performance" has been enabled.
Fixed the issue where domain-related services might not resume working because the update of domain data could not be complete.
Fixed security vulnerabilities (Synology-SA-20:18).
Fixed the issue where the system might incorrectly prompt IP address conflict warning if a network interface card is attached to Synology NAS and the option "Reply to ARP requests if the target IP address is a local address configured on the incoming interface" is disabled.
Fixed the issue where the status of an Ethernet port might not be detected properly when the Ethernet port is not connected to a network cable while Open vSwitch has been enabled.
版本: 6.2.3-25426 Update 3

您的 Synology NAS 可能基於下列原因,不會通知您有此 DSM 更新。若要立即將 DSM 更新至此版本,請點選此處並執行手動更新。僅安裝 DSM 6.2.3 的 Synology NAS 可更新至此版本。
此更新將會重新啟動您的 Synology NAS。

Photo Station 須更新至 6.8.14-3501 或以上版本方能於此次 DSM 更新後運行。

強化 NFSv4 協定的連線穩定性。
增加 FS6400 支援最大攝影機路數至 150。

修正在 Google Chrome 特定版本中,可能無法送出技術支援表單的問題。
修正當使用者選擇 UEFI 作為韌體時,可能無法將運行 Windows 10 版本 2004 的虛擬機器開機的問題。
修正 Virtual DSM 上的網路連線可能中斷的問題。
強化多個程序同時存取 SSD 快取時的穩定性。
修正 CMS 受管理伺服器在重新開機後,可能無法連線至 CMS 主機的問題。
修正 Windows 軟體透過 SMB 存取 DSM 上的檔案時,可能因 Windows 軟體重複嘗試存取無權限的共用資料夾而影響 DSM 系統效能的問題。
修正當資料夾透過 SMB 掛載時,Windows 檔案總管未即時更新檔案刪除或搬移操作的問題。
修正 SA3200D 機種上,系統可能無法正確回報電源狀態的問題。
修正在多個網路埠的 Synology NAS 機種上,全新安裝後的設定頁面可能無法開啟的問題。
修正使用者可能無法成功清理 usbshare 共用資料夾的資源回收桶的問題。
修正系統管理員無法透過 Windows RSAT 設定「使用者必須在下次登入時變更密碼」選項。
修正無法透過 Windows RSAT 將網域使用者加入內建群組的問題。
修正啟用 SMB 的「收集偵錯紀錄」選項時,可能佔用過多系統空間的問題。
修正使用者按下「升級憑證」後,SHA-1 憑證可能消失的問題。
修正使用者重新安裝 DSM 後嘗試登入時,DSM 可能阻擋使用者的 IP 位址並建立大量日誌事件的問題。
強化 SAS 控制器於系統關機過程中的穩定性。
修正多項安全性弱點 (Synology-SA-20:26)。
支援 Let's Encrypt ISRG 憑證。
Version: 6.2.4-25554

Important Note
Your Synology NAS may not notify you of this DSM update because of the following reasons. If you want to update your DSM to this version now, please click here to manually update it.
The update is not available in your region yet. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
This update will restart your Synology NAS.
Compatibility & Installation

Enhanced the password policy. Passwords must exclude usernames and descriptions, include both upper-case and lower-case letters as well as numerical digits. The minimum password length is 8 characters.
Fixed a compatibility issue between the Geminilake platform and virtual machines running Windows 10.
On a newly installed version of DSM, file rename and deletion log events for SMB will be enabled by default.
What's New

Users can now set 10 email addresses to receive system notifications.
Enhanced domain database synchronization performance by syncing only altered data.
Supports bad block detection on Synology SSDs.
Supports the updating of Synology HDD and SSD firmware directly via DSM.
Improved fan speed control based on the Synology network interface card temperature for 19-series and newer models.
Fixed Issues

Fixed an issue where the "Enable Web Assistant" option didn't work on NVR216 and NVR1218.
Fixed an issue where the date and time formats for scheduled tasks were inconsistent in the widget and system settings.
Fixed an issue where scheduled tasks may fail to be executed or modified.
Fixed an issue where tasks scheduled at a high frequency generated a lot of logs and occupied system partitions.
Fixed an issue where the custom welcome text may differ on the preview and actual login page due to character limits.
Fixed an issue where data could still be written to LUNs after the volume runs out of space.
Fixed an issue where if Wi-Fi dongles are installed, some available network interfaces weren't listed when users edit iSCSI targets.
Fixed an issue where iSCSI services may be unstable when the host is too busy or when users disable iSCSI targets and ending sessions simultaneously.
Fixed an issue where initiators couldn't connect to the iSCSI target after ethernet interfaces reconnect in a high-availability cluster.
Fixed an issue where packages may not operate properly when drives migrated from another Synology NAS cause volume ID conflicts.
Fixed an issue where users may not be able to find their Synology NAS in My Network Places on Windows when WS-Discovery isn't operating properly.
Fixed an issue where Log Center didn't record recycle bin enabling/disabling events.
Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Sudo. (Synology-SA-21:02)
Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities. (Synology-SA-21:03)

In response to the enhancement of domain database synchronization efficiency, the domain user/group list will be updated once an hour when it is created with Synology Directory Server.
版本: 6.2.4-25556

您的 Synology NAS 可能基於下列原因,不會通知您有此 DSM 更新。若要立即將 DSM 更新至此版本,請點選此處並執行手動更新。
此更新將會重新啟動您的 Synology NAS。
整合儲存空間降級 / 損毀及 SSD 快取異常的嗶聲控制選項。
調整 15-系列及更新的機種上的 LED 指示燈行為,更清楚表示系統狀態。(了解更多)
DNS Server 須更新至 2.2.3-5028 或以上版本方能於此次 DSM 更新後運行。
LDAP Server 須更新至 2.4.49-2515 或以上版本方能於此次 DSM 更新後運行。
此更新修正下列在 6.2.4-25554 中發現的問題。
修正 Grantley、Broadwell、Broadwellnk、Broadwellntbap、Purley 平台上,可能無法喚醒休眠中外接硬碟的問題。
修正若使用者曾於 DSM 6.2.4 上移除已記住的裝置,可能無法透過行動裝置登入 Synology 行動應用程式的問題。

套用更嚴謹的密碼原則,密碼不得包含使用者名稱或描述,須包含大小寫英文字母及數字,且長度須大於 8 個字元。
修正 Geminilake 平台與 Windows 10 虛擬機器間的相容性問題。
於全新安裝的 DSM 上,將預設啟用 SMB 的檔案重新命名及刪除日誌。

使用者現可設定 10 組接收系統通知的電子郵件地址。
新增支援 Synology SSD 的壞塊檢測機制。
支援直接透過 DSM 更新 Synology HDD 及 SSD 韌體。
於 19-系列及更新的機種上,支援依據 Synology 網路介面卡溫度控制風扇速度。

修正於 NVR216 及 NVR1218 上,「啟用 Web Assistant」選項無法正常啟用的問題。
修正當儲存空間容量用盡時,仍可繼續寫入資料至 LUN 的問題。
修正若安裝 Wi-Fi 網卡,編輯 iSCSI Target 時可能無法列出所有可用網路介面的問題。
修正同時停用 iSCSI Target 及關閉連線,或當主機過於忙錄時,可能導致 iSCSI 服務不穩定的問題。
修正 High Availability 叢集中,乙太網路介面重新連線後啟動可能無法連接至 iSCSI Target 的問題。
修正因硬碟轉移造成的本機儲存空間 ID 衝突,導致部分套件無法正常運作的問題。
修正當 WS-Discovery 無法正常運作時,使用者可能無法在 Windows 網路上的芳鄰找到 Synology NAS 的問題。
修正日誌中心未記錄啟動 / 停用資源回收桶事件的問題。
修正有關 Sudo 的安全性弱點 (Synology-SA-21:02)。
修正多項安全性弱點 (Synology-SA-21:03)。

若使用者透過 Synology Directory Server 建立網域,由於提升網域資料庫同步效能,其使用者 / 群組清單將改為每小時更新一次。
≡≡ 覺人之詐,不憤于言;受人之侮,不動于色;察人之過,不揚于他;施人之惠,不記于心 ≡≡
Version: 6.2.4-25556

Important Note
Your Synology NAS may not notify you of this DSM update because of the following reasons. If you want to update your DSM to this version now, please click here to manually update it.
The update is not available in your region yet. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
This update will restart your Synology NAS.
Integrates the beep control options for degraded/crashed volumes and abnormal SSD caches.
The new LED indicator behavior makes the system status easier to distinguish on 15-series and newer models. (Learn more)
DNS Server must be updated to version 2.2.3-5028 or above to be compatible with this update.
LDAP Server must be updated to version 2.4.49-2515 or above to be compatible with this update.
This update includes fixes to the below issues mentioned in 6.2.4-25554.
Fixed an issue where external hard drives couldn't wake from hibernation on certain platforms (Grantley, Broadwell, Broadwellnk, Purley).
Fixed an issue where users could not sign in to Synology mobile apps after they had cleared the remembered device list in DSM 6.2.4.
Compatibility & Installation

Enhanced the password policy. Passwords must exclude usernames and descriptions, include both upper-case and lower-case letters as well as numerical digits. The minimum password length is 8 characters.
Fixed a compatibility issue between the Geminilake platform and virtual machines running Windows 10.
On a newly installed version of DSM, file rename and deletion log events for SMB will be enabled by default.
What's New

Users can now set 10 email addresses to receive system notifications.
Enhanced domain database synchronization performance by syncing only altered data.
Supports bad block detection on Synology SSDs.
Supports the updating of Synology HDD and SSD firmware directly via DSM.
Improved fan speed control based on the Synology network interface card temperature for 19-series and newer models.
Fixed Issues

Fixed an issue where the "Enable Web Assistant" option didn't work on NVR216 and NVR1218.
Fixed an issue where the date and time formats for scheduled tasks were inconsistent in the widget and system settings.
Fixed an issue where scheduled tasks may fail to be executed or modified.
Fixed an issue where tasks scheduled at a high frequency generated a lot of logs and occupied system partitions.
Fixed an issue where the custom welcome text may differ on the preview and actual login page due to character limits.
Fixed an issue where data could still be written to LUNs after the volume runs out of space.
Fixed an issue where if Wi-Fi dongles are installed, some available network interfaces weren't listed when users edit iSCSI targets.
Fixed an issue where iSCSI services may be unstable when the host is too busy or when users disable iSCSI targets and ending sessions simultaneously.
Fixed an issue where initiators couldn't connect to the iSCSI target after ethernet interfaces reconnect in a high-availability cluster.
Fixed an issue where packages may not operate properly when drives migrated from another Synology NAS cause volume ID conflicts.
Fixed an issue where users may not be able to find their Synology NAS in My Network Places on Windows when WS-Discovery isn't operating properly.
Fixed an issue where Log Center didn't record recycle bin enabling/disabling events.
Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Sudo. (Synology-SA-21:02)
Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities. (Synology-SA-21:03)

In response to the enhancement of domain database synchronization efficiency, the domain user/group list will be updated once an hour when it is created with Synology Directory Server.
我的DS918+ 更新這個版本後,記憶體8G被吃到6.4G,遲鈍到不行。

版本: 6.2.4-25556...(恕刪)
請輸入您要前往的頁數(1 ~ 25)

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