Synology DSM 6.X 正式版 Release Notes 發佈通知

7/12 日 版本 6.2-23739-2 已經上傳了,謝謝指出問題。
Version: 6.2.1-23824

Important Note

The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few weeks, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
After system upgrades to DSM 6.2.1, the HASP package will not be supported.
For the following models, DSM 6.2 will be the last upgradable version. DSM 6.2 will continue to receive critical and security updates for a minimum of 2 years after the official release.
XS Series : RS3412xs, RS3412RPxs, RS3411xs, RS3411RPxs, DS3612xs, DS3611xs
Plus Series : RS2212+, RS2212RP+, RS2211+, RS2211RP+, RS812+, RS812RP+,
DS2411+, DS1812+, DS1512+, DS1511+, DS712+, DS412+, DS411+II, DS411+,
DS213+, DS212+, DS211+, DS112+
Value Series : RS812, RS212, DS413, DS411, DS213, DS212, DS211, DS112, DS111
J Series : DS413j, DS411j, DS411slim, DS213air, DS212j, DS211j, DS112j
Others : NVR216, NVR1218, DDSM

What's New in DSM 6.2.1

Space reclamation speed of legacy Advanced LUNs is now adjustable.
You can now convert legacy Advanced LUNs into new Advanced LUNs, which come with instant snapshots and performance improvements.
Added password strength meter for creating and modifying passwords.
When you install or upgrade your DSM version through the Internet, it will now automatically be upgraded to the corresponding DSM version with critical and security updates. The following models are not available due to hardware performance limitations.
11 series: RS411, DS411slim, DS411j, DS411, DS211j, DS211+, DS211, DS111
12 series: RS812, RS212, DS212j, DS212+, DS212, DS112j, DS112+, DS112
13 series: DS413j, DS413, DS213j, DS213air, DS213+, DS213
14 series: RS814, DS414slim, DS414j, DS414, RS214, DS214se, DS214+, DS214, DS114
15 series: RS815, DS215j, DS115j, DS115
16 series: DS216se

Fixed Issues
Fixed an issue where users may not be able to delete snapshots when the volume is full.
Fixed an issue where Windows may falsely detect an error on an exFAT format USB drive after it is used as the backup destination of Hyper Backup.
Improved Snapshot Replication package stability.
Fixed an issue where incorrect or incomplete update information may be displayed in the DSM Update tab.
Fixed an issue where a single RAID with over 24 drives may fail to assemble a RAID 5/6/F1 or SHR 1/2 storage pool.
Fixed an issue where boot failure might occur if the system was rebooted during the conversion process from RAID 5 to RAID 6.
Enhanced the compatibility of certain drives on Synology NAS and Expansion Unit models.
Fixed an issue where local users may fail to log in via SMB on specific Windows versions after adding their NAS to a Synology Active Directory domain.
Improved Windows client's clock synchronization with DSM after it is added to a Synology Active Directory domain. Upgrading Active Directory Server to version 4.4.5-0077 or above is required.
Modified HDD hibernation mechanism to prevent HDDs from entering hibernation when a volume is degraded, crashed, or not created.
Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Linux kernel (CVE-2018-1000199, CVE-2018-8897, CVE-2017-0861).
Fixed a security vulnerability regarding OpenSSL (CVE-2018-0739).
Fixed a security vulnerability regarding procps-ng (CVE-2018-1124).
Fixed a security vulnerability regarding ISC DHCP (CVE-2017-3144).
Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities (Synology-SA-18:51).
Minor bug fixes.
版本: 6.2.1-23824

系統升級至 DSM 6.2.1 後,將無法使用 HASP 套件。
下列機種的 DSM 支援將於今年 (2018) 終止,DSM 6.2 將會是最後可升級版本。DSM 6.2 在正式發佈後至少兩年內依然會持續更新修正重大及安全性問題。
XS 系列: RS3412xs, RS3412RPxs, RS3411xs, RS3411RPxs, DS3612xs, DS3611xs
Plus 系列: RS2212+, RS2212RP+, RS2211+, RS2211RP+, RS812+, RS812RP+, DS2411+, DS1812+, DS1512+, DS1511+, DS712+, DS412+, DS411+II, DS411+, DS213+, DS212+, DS211+, DS112+
Value 系列: RS812, RS212, DS413, DS411, DS213, DS212, DS211, DS112, DS111
J 系列: DS413j, DS411j, DS411slim, DS213air, DS212j, DS211j, DS112j
其他: NVR216, NVR1218, DDSM
DSM 6.2.1 的新功能

傳統進階 LUN 現在支援空間回收速度調整。
您現在可以將傳統進階 LUN 轉換為具備即時快照與效能提升的新版進階 LUN。
透過網路安裝或升級 DSM 版本時,支援自動升級至相對應的重大及安全性更新版本。因硬體效能上的限制,下列機種不支援此功能。
11 系列:RS411、DS411slim、DS411j、DS411、DS211j、DS211+、DS211、DS111
12 系列:RS812、RS212、DS212j、DS212+、DS212、DS112j、DS112+、DS112
13 系列:DS413j, DS413, DS213j, DS213air, DS213+, DS213
14 系列:RS814、DS414slim、DS414j、DS414、RS214、DS214se、DS214+、DS214、DS114
15 系列:RS815、DS215j、DS115j、DS115
16 系列:DS216se

修正在使用 exFAT 檔案系統的外接硬碟作為 Hyper Backup 備份目的地後,Windows 可能誤判此外接硬碟出現錯誤的問題。
加強 Snapshot Replication 套件穩定性。
修正在 DSM 更新頁籤上可能會顯示不完整或不正確的更新資訊。
修正無法將 24 顆以上硬碟的單一 RAID 組成 RAID 5/6/F1、SHR 1/2 儲存集區的問題。
修正若系統在 RAID 5 轉換至 RAID 6 的過程中重新開機,可能無法完成開機程序的問題。
提升特定硬碟在 Synology NAS 及擴充裝置機種上的相容性。
修正本地使用者將 NAS 加入 Synology Active Directory Server 網域後,可能無法在特定版本 Windows 上使用 SMB 登入的問題。
加強 Windows 用戶端加入 Synology Active Directory 網域後與 DSM 間的對時校正。您必須將 Active Directory Server 升級至 4.4.5-0077 或以上版本。
修正有關 Linux kernel 的多項安全性弱點 (CVE-2018-1000199、CVE-2018-8897、CVE-2017-0861)。
修正有關 OpenSSL 的安全性弱點 (CVE-2018-0739)。
修正有關 procps-ng 的安全性弱點 (CVE-2018-1124)。
修正有關 ISC DHCP 的安全性弱點 (CVE-2017-3144)。
修正多項安全性弱點 (Synology-SA-18:51)。
昨天晚上機器自動更新 DSM 6.2.1-23824
連用 ssh 登入都做不到.
tyf000 wrote:
昨天晚上機器自動更新 DSM 6.2.1-23824
連用 ssh 登入都做不到.
≡≡ 覺人之詐,不憤于言;受人之侮,不動于色;察人之過,不揚于他;施人之惠,不記于心 ≡≡
三台 NAS 更新都正常沒事,但是其中一部有跑 docker 的,更新完重開機後,docker 容器裡的東西全部都沒啟動,還要一個一個的手動啟動,記得上回也有一次更新也是這樣(參考 #146、#161 樓)....


裡面 4T 多的資料...fuck
Version: 6.2.1-23824

Important Note

The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few weeks, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
After system upgrades to DSM 6.2.1, the HASP package will not be supported.
This update will restart your Synology NAS.
For the following models, DSM 6.2 will be the last upgradable version. DSM 6.2 will continue to receive critical and security updates for a minimum of 2 years after the official release.
XS Series : RS3412xs, RS3412RPxs, RS3411xs, RS3411RPxs, DS3612xs, DS3611xs
Plus Series : RS2212+, RS2212RP+, RS2211+, RS2211RP+, RS812+, RS812RP+,
DS2411+, DS1812+, DS1512+, DS1511+, DS712+, DS412+, DS411+II, DS411+,
DS213+, DS212+, DS211+, DS112+
Value Series : RS812, RS212, DS413, DS411, DS213, DS212, DS211, DS112, DS111
J Series : DS413j, DS411j, DS411slim, DS213air, DS212j, DS211j, DS112j
Others : NVR216, NVR1218, DDSM
What's New in DSM 6.2.1

Space reclamation speed of legacy Advanced LUNs is now adjustable.
You can now convert legacy Advanced LUNs into new Advanced LUNs, which come with instant snapshots and performance improvements.
Added password strength meter for creating and modifying passwords.
When you install or upgrade your DSM version through the Internet, it will now automatically be upgraded to the corresponding DSM version with critical and security updates. The following models are not available due to hardware performance limitations.
11 series: RS411, DS411slim, DS411j, DS411, DS211j, DS211+, DS211, DS111
12 series: RS812, RS212, DS212j, DS212+, DS212, DS112j, DS112+, DS112
13 series: DS413j, DS413, DS213j, DS213air, DS213+, DS213
14 series: RS814, DS414slim, DS414j, DS414, RS214, DS214se, DS214+, DS214, DS114
15 series: RS815, DS215j, DS115j, DS115
16 series: DS216se
Fixed Issues

Fixed an issue where users may not be able to delete snapshots when the volume is full.
Fixed an issue where Windows may falsely detect an error on an exFAT format USB drive after it is used as the backup destination of Hyper Backup.
Improved Snapshot Replication package stability.
Fixed an issue where incorrect or incomplete update information may be displayed in the DSM Update tab.
Fixed an issue where a single RAID with over 24 drives may fail to assemble a RAID 5/6/F1 or SHR 1/2 storage pool.
Fixed an issue where boot failure might occur if the system was rebooted during the conversion process from RAID 5 to RAID 6.
Enhanced the compatibility of certain drives on Synology NAS and Expansion Unit models.
Fixed an issue where local users may fail to log in via SMB on specific Windows versions after adding their NAS to a Synology Active Directory domain.
Improved Windows client's clock synchronization with DSM after it is added to a Synology Active Directory domain. Upgrading Active Directory Server to version 4.4.5-0077 or above is required.
Modified HDD hibernation mechanism to prevent HDDs from entering hibernation when a volume is degraded, crashed, or not created.
Adjusted the default range of passive FTP/FTPS ports to align with maximum concurrent connections of each model.
Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Linux kernel (CVE-2018-1000199, CVE-2018-8897, CVE-2017-0861).
Fixed a security vulnerability regarding OpenSSL (CVE-2018-0739).
Fixed a security vulnerability regarding procps-ng (CVE-2018-1124).
Fixed a security vulnerability regarding ISC DHCP (CVE-2017-3144).
Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities (Synology-SA-18:51).
Minor bug fixes.
Version: 6.2.1-23824-1

Important Note

The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
This update will restart your Synology NAS.
Fixed Issues

Improve Package Center system mechanisms to enhance user experience.
Enhanced the ext4 file system stability.
Fixed an issue where external hard drives of WD My Book might not be recognized if DSM is rebooted while the drives are in hibernation.
Fixed an issue where Microsoft Office files might not be renamed in Windows File Explorer through SMB protocol.
Fixed an issue where the HASP package might not be usable after upgrading to DSM 6.2-23739-2 and DSM 6.2.1-23824.
Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Linux kernel (Synology-SA-18:44).
Fixed a security vulnerability (Synology-SA-18:56).
Fixed a security vulnerability regarding wpa_supplicant (CVE-2018-14526).
Fixed a security vulnerability regarding OpenSSH (CVE-2018-15473).
Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Samba (CVE-2018-10858, CVE-2018-10919).
Version: 6.2.1-23824

Important Note
The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few weeks, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
After system upgrades to DSM 6.2.1, the HASP package will not be supported.
This update will restart your Synology NAS.
For the following models, DSM 6.2 will be the last upgradable version. DSM 6.2 will continue to receive critical and security updates for a minimum of 2 years after the official release.
XS Series : RS3412xs, RS3412RPxs, RS3411xs, RS3411RPxs, DS3612xs, DS3611xs
Plus Series : RS2212+, RS2212RP+, RS2211+, RS2211RP+, RS812+, RS812RP+, DS2411+, DS1812+, DS1512+, DS1511+, DS712+, DS412+, DS411+II, DS411+, DS213+, DS212+, DS211+, DS112+
Value Series : RS812, RS212, DS413, DS411, DS213, DS212, DS211, DS112, DS111
J Series : DS413j, DS411j, DS411slim, DS213air, DS212j, DS211j, DS112j
Others : NVR216, NVR1218, DDSM

What's New in DSM 6.2.1

Space reclamation speed of legacy Advanced LUNs is now adjustable.
You can now convert legacy Advanced LUNs into new Advanced LUNs, which come with instant snapshots and performance improvements.
Added password strength meter for creating and modifying passwords.
When you install or upgrade your DSM version through the Internet, it will now automatically be upgraded to the corresponding DSM version with critical and security updates. The following models are not available due to hardware performance limitations.
11 series: RS411, DS411slim, DS411j, DS411, DS211j, DS211+, DS211, DS111
12 series: RS812, RS212, DS212j, DS212+, DS212, DS112j, DS112+, DS112
13 series: DS413j, DS413, DS213j, DS213air, DS213+, DS213
14 series: RS814, DS414slim, DS414j, DS414, RS214, DS214se, DS214+, DS214, DS114
15 series: RS815, DS215j, DS115j, DS115
16 series: DS216se
Fixed Issues

Fixed an issue where users may not be able to delete snapshots when the volume is full.
Fixed an issue where Windows may falsely detect an error on an exFAT format USB drive after it is used as the backup destination of Hyper Backup.
Improved Snapshot Replication package stability.
Fixed an issue where incorrect or incomplete update information may be displayed in the DSM Update tab.
Fixed an issue where a single RAID with over 24 drives may fail to assemble a RAID 5/6/F1 or SHR 1/2 storage pool.
Fixed an issue where boot failure might occur if the system was rebooted during the conversion process from RAID 5 to RAID 6.
Enhanced the compatibility of certain drives on Synology NAS and Expansion Unit models.
Fixed an issue where local users may fail to log in via SMB on specific Windows versions after adding their NAS to a Synology Active Directory domain.
Improved Windows client's clock synchronization with DSM after it is added to a Synology Active Directory domain. Upgrading Active Directory Server to version 4.4.5-0077 or above is required.
Modified HDD hibernation mechanism to prevent HDDs from entering hibernation when a volume is degraded, crashed, or not created.
Adjusted the default range of passive FTP/FTPS ports to align with maximum concurrent connections of each model.
Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Linux kernel (CVE-2018-1000199, CVE-2018-8897, CVE-2017-0861).
Fixed a security vulnerability regarding OpenSSL (CVE-2018-0739).
Fixed a security vulnerability regarding procps-ng (CVE-2018-1124).
Fixed a security vulnerability regarding ISC DHCP (CVE-2017-3144).
Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities (Synology-SA-18:51).
Minor bug fixes.
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