
Again both my wife and I think the old Bose system in my G and her M are still very good compare to GSF. GSF has 17-speaker, 835-watt Mark Levinson sound system which is among the best from any Japanese cars. I didn't feel excited when I listened to the new Mark Levinson sound system and I didn't feel bad when I listen to the old Bose sound system, either. Yes the new ML system is a little bit better but not much...

dlin4229 wrote:
Again both...(恕刪)

INFINITI的車只要買到旗艦版 音響就配BOSE BOSE的聲學技術真的很強 汽車音響好不好聽音質只是一部分 另一部分是音場跟降噪 也難怪樓上大大會覺得ML沒有比BOSE強太多
杯子蛋糕70 wrote:

Good tips. Maybe I listen to US pop music radio stations all the time. I'm not good at sound system but for me (52 years old engineer and drive/love cars since 25) I think Infinti is already very good (engine, steering, brake, sound system etc.) even when it compares with other high-end cars. In addition, it can be very good for at least 10 years...
Sorry. Maybe I'm complaining my new GSF too much because I spend so much money in it but didn't feel much excited comparing to my 11 years old G35S...

I also don't regret to buy GSF. If I didn't buy it, how can I know my OLD OLD G35S is still so good....
I just talked to my wife. She said that GSF sound system was much better when listening to classic music like piano solo, etc. I agreed.
One more hint. The GSF is a performance car. So it's not super quiet like other Lexus. (Because it has four very wide performance tires and stiffer suspension. This situation should also happen in all other performance cars.)

I think I really need to stop the car to tell the difference...
杯子蛋糕70 wrote:

You're right. Today I tune up the sound level to much louder. The sound in GSF is more clear and more layers or colorful but I still think Bose bass sound is quite good. If I didn't remember wrong, my old G35S have OEM sub-woofer right near my left knee.

dlin4229 wrote:
Again both...(恕刪)

dlin4229 wrote:
I also don't regret to buy GSF. If I didn't buy it, how can I know my OLD OLD G35S is still so good....(恕刪)



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