Food review: Waiuku Garden Cafe【食記】紐西蘭南區 Waiuku 花園咖啡

栗維尼 塗鴉牆



We live in the south of Auckland, a rural region where most of people in the city may concern and worry its public security. However I love the Waiuku town for its quietness and friendly neighbors here. The most fantastic thing in this area I reckon is that there is a quite lovely Garden Cafe not far from our house.

栗與維尼住在奧克蘭南區,大部分住在市區的人都會有點擔心這郊區的治安。但是栗很喜歡目前住的Waiuku小鎮,安靜而且鄰居們都很友善。栗認為這一區最棒的事就是家裡附近就以 個非常可愛的花園咖啡Garden Cafe.



On a sizzling hot day in December, our manager suggested to have a quick lite lunch in the nearby garden cafe where took us 5 mins by driving. When you walk through the the wooden lychgate surrounded by lavender, you will be in another place. The garden is fairly spacious and well-cleaned. As we know, some people choose here for their garden weddings.

在某天很熱的12月,經理提議要在附近Garden Cafe享用輕食午餐,那裏離我們開車只要五分鐘。當你走過被薰衣草環繞的木門,就會感覺來到另一個不一樣的地方。花園占地寬廣而且整理得很乾淨,據我們所知有些人會選這裡舉行花園式婚禮。



Customer can have some different seat choices here. Either you could sit in the cafe or in the garden, the best thing is you also can have your own private small space enjoying your meal. No need a reservation and just pop in!



My better half and I ordered a cup of latte(NZD6.5), hot chocolate(NZD4.5) and a quiche (NZD 7.5) for our lunch. Turns out- The food here was fantastic and I couldn't wait to take another bite! The spinach quiche served with chopped tomato sauce did not only smell good, but also tasted soooo fresh and delicious. A little bit of Latte Art was so adorable but tasted average. Hot chocolate was way beyond my expectation. My heart was melted with the two mushy marshmallows in the hot chocolate.

栗與維尼點了一杯拿鐵(NZD6.5)、熱巧克力(NZD4.5)、以及法式鹹派 (NZD 7.5)。這裡的食物很棒,實在是等不及再嚐一次。佐番茄切丁的波菜法式鹹派不只聞起來很棒,而且吃起來很新鮮又美味。 拿鐵則是有點討人愛的小拉花但可惜喝起來則屬普通。熱巧克力出乎預期,栗的心都要跟著軟綿綿的棉花糖融化在熱巧克力裡了。


Overall, it is our pleasure in saying that the garden cafe , a local cafe near our house, is awesome. Food is quite excellent , wait staff have attention to detail and you can get the seat at your choice (indoor, outdoor or in a small log cabin)


很開心的說我們家社區附近有一個這麼棒的Garden Cafe,食物很不錯,服務生注重細節而且來用餐的客人還能在室內、室外或是小小木屋選喜歡的座位。

Garden Cafe

ADD12 Collie Road, Glenbrook, Auckland

Opening hours10:00-16:00

TEL09 235 3324



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