The Clevedon farmers market 【遊記】奧克蘭Clevedon假日農夫市集

栗維尼 塗鴉牆


Looking for a weekend retreat in Auckland? The Clevedon farmers market is a great destination for picnicking and munching food.


周末想在奧克蘭找個休息趣處嗎?那Clevedon 農夫市集是可以野餐和吃美食的好地方。


Clevedon is a lovely seaside valley in south east of Auckland. There are two Sunday popular local markets. One is Clevedon village market where we used to have vege and fruit booth there and another one is Clevedon farmer market that we strongly recommend spending half day there.

Clevedon是位於奧克蘭東南方一個靠海的迷人小村莊,當地有兩個非常受歡迎的星期天市集。 一個是Clevedon village market,以前我們會在那裡擺蔬果攤,另一個則是我們相當推薦的可以花上半天溜噠的Clevedon farmer market



What you can do here is to explore over 50 stalls(stall list) grabbing fresh tasty food and sit on the grass enjoy the Sunday sunshine. Meanwhile you can also enjoy the music performance for FREE.




We ordered lemon crepe at NZ5 from a crepe stall held by two stunning French girls. The aroma coming out from the batter made me mouth-watering when the batter was poured on the crepe pan, One of the girl said they prepare different batters for salted and sweet crepe respectively. The lemon crepe was simpler than I expected however the crepe itself was so yummy that I want to share with no one.

栗與維尼找了一個兩位漂亮法國小姐的攤位點了NZ$5的檸檬可麗餅。當麵糊倒在平鍋上散發出的香味整個口水都要流出來了。其中一位法國女生說他們會針對甜與鹹的可麗餅準備不同麵糊。檸檬可麗餅比預期中的簡單許多 但是餅皮本身真是太美味,後來栗都自己一個人吃光光。



My better half pop in the most popular wood fired pizza shop ordering simplest garlic pizza. From the front desk you can see the chef harvesting herbs from fresh plant which look soooo fresh! 維尼則是從最受歡迎的柴燒窯烤披薩店點了最簡單的大蒜披薩。從前台你可以看到廚師從盆栽上摘一些花草放在批薩上,看上去非常新鮮!

The 6 inch pizza doesn't have a strong flavour of garlic which is good for us. Moreover, the base is so crispy that we decided to try a bit deluxe one for next visit.




Clevedon farmers market

ADDClevedon Showgrounds, 107 Monument Road, south Auckland

Opening hoursSundays 8:30-12:00



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