老了沒有激情,也要有熱情 !老當益壯

照顧家屬能做的事,推輪椅出去曬太陽,其實是推輪椅出去走一走、看一看~曬太陽只是藉口,人生的最後階段,就是想多看一眼這個世界,我也是 !

老了沒有激情,也要有熱情 !
Chris Rea "Looking for the Summer" (New Generation Mix) (ver. 2) - Digital Master VideoEdit -


底下Christopher Myers留言
Love this song, his singing voice, and the feeling I get hearing it with my eyes closed... tears flow down my cheeks. For some reason, I'm flooded with memories of my past, all the good times, and those who are gone?! I wish I could time travel back..
我對Christopher Myers留言的翻譯的如下
「我喜歡這首歌,他的(感性)聲音,當我閉著眼睛聽著、就感覺得到的感覺......淚水淌著我的臉龐流下來。 我心悲傷


我希望我能乘著時間機器旅行回到過去.. 再看一下世界」

因為Christopher Myers寫得太棒了,所以我留言了,而且也回覆給他,在這兩個地方我都說:
to Christopher Myers
照顧家屬能做的事,推輪椅出去曬太陽,其實是推輪椅出去走一走、看一看~曬太陽只是藉口,人生的最後階段,就是想多看一眼這個世界,我也是 !
yes,唱者無意,聽者有意 !

Chris Rea一直在追尋,顯示人生的迷惘、孤獨與徬徨,所以一直在尋找慰藉,人生本來就是個孤寂旅程,我注意到、我也是,感覺有一點憂鬱,我們都是萍水相逢、心愛的終將永別,甚麼是永遠、記憶讓人困惑,我心悲傷 !

Chris Rea歌詞敘述平靜,但是有力 。
Chris Rea一直不斷地問我心中的問題~
Where have you been?
Where are you going to?

Chris Rea一直在追尋,顯示人生的迷惘、孤獨與徬徨,所以一直在尋找慰藉,人生本來就是個孤寂旅程,我注意到、我也是,感覺有一點憂鬱,我們都是萍水相逢、心愛的終將永別,甚麼是永遠、記憶讓人困惑,我心悲傷 !

Chris Rea歌詞敘述平靜,但是有力 。
Chris Rea一直不斷地問我心中的問題~
Where have you been?
Where are you going to?

Chris Rea "The Blue Cafe"
My world is miles of endless roads
That leaves a trail of broken dreams
Where have you been, I hear you say
I will meet you at the Blue Cafe
This is where the one who knows
Meets the one, who does't care
The cards of fate
The older shows
To the younger one, who dares to take
The chance of no return
Where have you been?
Where are you going to?
I want to know what's new
I wanna go with you
What have you seen?
What do you know that's new?
Where are you going to?
'Cause I wanna go with you
The cost is great, the price is high
Take all you know and say goodbye
Your innocence, experience
Mean nothing now
'Cause this is where the one, who knows
Meets the one, that does't care
Where have you been, I hear you say
I'll meet you at the Blue Cafe
Where have you been?
Where are you going to?
I want to know what's new
I want to go with you
What have you seen?
What do you know that's new?
Where are you going to?
Cause I want to go with you
So meet me down at the Blue Cafe
I said meet me down at the Blue Cafe
Where have you been?
Where are you going to?
I wanna know what's new
I wanna go with you
What have you seen?
What do you know that's new?
Where are you going to?
I wanna go with you
Down to the Blue
I meet you at the Blue Cafe
I meet you at the Blue Cafe
The Blue Cafe

我喜歡Chris Rea輕快的節奏AND愉快心境,感覺I'm Not Old, Just Used Rough,老冀斜陽奔,不用揚鞭自奔蹄,當下彷彿也看到趙寧還在夕陽下自奔蹄 衝啊 我是羅賓漢在夕陽下射出去的最後一支箭
有Chris Rea 音樂伴隨陪著跑,不會累



整首歌,快樂訴說著滿滿的溫暖、甜蜜、愉悅,一抹激情托在輕快節奏音樂載體上、隨著時間一起,輕快的前進、再前進,一 直前進,時間沒有停止,永遠,隨著時間向遠方漸漸變小,靜止在很遠的地方,當停止在遠方,依晰可見一幅矇朧的畫,在我的記憶中⋯⋯看到時間仿彿停在遠方成了一幅畫,親愛的朋友,歡樂的笑聲不斷⋯⋯也全部都成了一幅畫,永遠的一幅畫在記憶中,我想念你

只是蛋蛋的惆悵 !
Chris Rea Live at Baloise Session 2017

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