Determining Your Race Recovery Time 預估比賽後 所需要的完全恢復時間!
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作者建議的快速算法如下: 依每個人都有不同的選擇參考.....
A quick guide to estimate race recovery time follows:

* Cycling Races單車比賽: one to three days per hour of racing------ 1-3天*每小時的比賽時間
* Triathlon Races三鐵比賽: three to five days per hour of racing----- 3-5天*每小時的比賽時間
* Running Races跑步比賽: four to six days per hour of racing--------- 4-6天*每小時的比賽時間

還沒詳細讀完 其他同學 請接著讀......

With the quick guide as a place to start, you can further refine your recovery estimate by considering factors that affect race recovery. How fast an athlete recovers from an event depends on several factors before, during and after the race. These factors are relative to each sport and the individual athlete.

Take a look at the Modifiers for Race Recovery chart. The chart lists factors that affect race recovery in the left column. In the last three columns are descriptions for the ranking values. As you make your way through the list of Factors Affecting Race Recovery, note how many times you score a ranking value of each one, two and three. The best score possible is 15. The higher your score, the more your recovery will be affected in a negative manner.

Modifiers for Race Recovery
Ranking Value
Factors Affecting Race Recovery 1 2 3

Before the Race
1. Age < 40 40-60 60+
2. Level of conditioning High Medium Low
3. Nutritional status Great Average Poor
4. Taper and rest Great Average Poor
5. Athletic experience in the sport >10 years 5-10 years <5 years
6. Life stress (family/job/personal/travel) Low Medium High

The Race
1. Sport Cycling Triathlon Running
2. Distance of the event (also related to athlete ability) Short Medium Long
3. Racing intensity (relative to that particular race distance) Using it as a training day Medium intensity All-out, highest average speed
4. Nutritional practice (fueling/hydration) Great Average Poor
5. Course Easy Moderate Difficult
6. Weather conditions (temperature/humidity) Perfect Okay Bad

After the Race
1. Nutritional practice (fueling/hydration) Great Average Poor
2. Life stress (family/job/personal/travel) Low Medium High
3. Type of workouts done in the days following the event (intensity/duration) Easy/Short Moderate Fast and/or Long

To use an extreme example, an athlete completing a two-hour triathlon, with all factors in the number one column will likely be fully recovered in about six days. If that same athlete has all factors in the number three column, full recovery from the race may take as much as 10 days. Scoring all factors in the number three column is also a signal for a high risk of injury or illness.

When heading into your next race, make a good effort to control some of the factors listed on the chart. By controlling the factors that you can control before, during and after the race, you can expect a faster recovery.
3.公視紀錄片"巴黎 台北單車萬歲"



L.Lee wrote:

書目前在我這裡,Lily 我明天拿還給妳或是下星期一拿給妳,看妳何時比較方便呢??
不好意思拖了那麼久了... 真是十分的抱歉....


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