cruiser58478 wrote:


Run the cable between the outlet box and the panel. This can be an easy job or a more challenging one depending on the length of the run and the number of floors between the panel and the outlet. In most cases, it's best to run the cable laterally through the basement or crawl space and feed it vertically through the wall to the outlet. All 220-volt wiring is to a dedicated circuit breaker, which means you can't tie into another circuit.

對於只會抄襲的台灣產業, 很多都是情都不是簡單的,
原因很簡單就是書上沒寫不知道要去哪抄設計吧, 哈哈,,,,
ekumo07666 wrote:

Run the cable between the outlet box and the panel. This can be an easy job or a more challenging one depending on the length of the run and the number of floors between the panel and the outlet. In most cases, it's best to run the cable laterally through the basement or crawl space and feed it vertically through the wall to the outlet. All 220-volt wiring is to a dedicated circuit breaker, which means you can't tie into another circuit.


在台灣要接220V插座,也真苦了你可以找到美國的法規(?)來說不能串接。不過要斬清朝的官,即使好不容易找到了一把明朝的劍,總也要先確定那是鹹魚還是尚方寶劍吧! 拿一小段部落客的話就當作是美國法規? 那看看底下這段,另一個美國部落客教的220V插座接線,是不是發現美國法規又可以允許220V串接了呢?(雖然我覺得他的邏輯也怪怪的)。
A big misconception is that you can only install one 220 volt device/outlet per circuit/breaker. Although you’ll better off for every 220 devices/outlet having it on its own breaker.
So here’s the deal on installing more than one per circuit. It’s all math by the way, oh yeah, and lots more money. If you have 2 220 outlets and each one is 20 amps. You’ll need to use #8 wire for the whole circuit including a 40 amp breaker. Now just the wire alone is going to cost you. So yes you can, but do you really want to?

另外,既然找了這麼多的英文220V插座接線文章,你難道沒有發現,人家都是推薦,對電不熟就hire an electrician,真的有信心再DIY自己拉線,從頭到尾都沒提電力公司要批准或驗收,也沒人說找電力公司來服務。這跟台電是否民營有什麼關係?還是你認為台電民營化後就可以跟水電工搶生意?
always CoCa Cola wrote:
對於只會抄襲的台灣產業, 很多都是情都不是簡單的,
原因很簡單就是書上沒寫不知道要去哪抄設計吧, 哈哈,,,,

狼大說的改變接點位置,來做到110/220兩用,跟你說的90 to 264Vac universal voltage完全是兩回事。舉個簡單的例子,貴鬆鬆的Dyson吹風機,一樣有分110V跟220V的版本。Dyson應該不算你說的”只會抄襲的台灣產業”吧?
當然如果不惜血本,沒有辦不到的,畢竟PC用的 switching power破千瓦的都比比皆是了。但是設計要能商品化,成本永遠是避不開的問題。
你的第一個問題, 烤箱用220V的比較好, 現成幫你做好一雙皮鞋了, 你說你不要穿, 要改穿草鞋, 這個沒道理
如果你怕220V的烤箱不好買, 上淘寶去買, 一大堆. 只是要改插頭. 這個讓水電工或是專修電器的,修冷氣的, 都會改

你的第二個問題, 110V美規插座測量出220V? 是你量錯了還是水電工配錯線? 這個也很沒道理
如果真的是美規插座接到220V, 要嘛叫水電工來改線,要嘛這個插座專門插淘寶買的220V大陸電器
cruiser58478 wrote:


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