
Lightwave18 wrote:

如果你覺得告的贏 就去告吧
不過你要證明"就是" WINDOWS 10 更新 讓你硬碟壞軌的

首先 你需要一個律師 (貴的 可以打國際官司那種)
然後 你需要把你的電腦送到"權威機構"測試 看有沒有辦法 "重現"當時的情況
同時你還要自行證明壞軌當時 沒有其他外在因素 (如電力不穩 強力電磁波干擾 不小心腳碰到電腦 撞一下) 導致硬碟故障

告人當然要求償 你要提出因為硬碟壞軌 資料救不出(你花錢救了嗎?) 損失幾億之類的 (要真的證明 不是自己隨便寫在白紙那種)
之所以說幾億而不是幾千萬 是覺得這種和大公司打官司很有可能要打很多年 沒上億可能不夠用

不過 在決定打官司之前 你有看過MS WIN10 的使用者條款嗎?

保固只有一年 (從安裝開始算)

9. Warranty, Disclaimer, Remedy, Damages and Procedures.

a. Limited Warranty. Depending on how you obtained the Windows software, Microsoft, or the device manufacturer or installer, warrants that properly licensed software will perform substantially as described in any Microsoft materials that accompany the software. This limited warranty does not cover problems that you cause, that arise when you fail to follow instructions, or that are caused by events beyond the reasonable control of Microsoft, or the device manufacturer or installer. The limited warranty starts when the first user acquires the software, and lasts for one year if acquired from Microsoft, or for 90 days if acquired from a device manufacturer or installer. If you obtain updates or supplements directly from Microsoft during the 90-day term of the device manufacturer’s or installer’s limited warranty, Microsoft provides the limited warranty for those updates or supplements. Any supplements, updates, or replacement software that you may receive from Microsoft during that year are also covered, but only for the remainder of that one-year period if acquired from Microsoft, or for 90 days if acquired from a device manufacturer or installer, or for 30 days, whichever is longer. Transferring the software will not extend the limited warranty.

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