2022 小改款 Focus 剛剛發表了!!
2022 小改款 Focus 剛剛發表了!!
2022 小改款 Focus 剛剛發表了!!
2022 小改款 Focus 剛剛發表了!!
2022 小改款 Focus 剛剛發表了!!
2022 小改款 Focus 剛剛發表了!!
2022 小改款 Focus 剛剛發表了!!
2022 小改款 Focus 剛剛發表了!!
2022 小改款 Focus 剛剛發表了!!
2022 小改款 Focus 剛剛發表了!!
2022 小改款 Focus 剛剛發表了!!
2022 小改款 Focus 剛剛發表了!!
2022 小改款 Focus 剛剛發表了!!
2022 小改款 Focus 剛剛發表了!!
2022 小改款 Focus 剛剛發表了!!
2022 小改款 Focus 剛剛發表了!!
2022 小改款 Focus 剛剛發表了!!
2022 小改款 Focus 剛剛發表了!!

[google translate]

2022 福特福克斯為輕度混合動力車配備大屏幕、7 速 DCT; ST 獲利 3600 英鎊,失去 Recaros

福特的福克斯這些天並沒有接近歐洲暢銷書的領獎台,兩年前它從北美撤出,福特承認 Kuga/Escape 跨界車是它最近的首要任務。但即使在這些 SUV 狂熱的時代,福克斯仍然是全球福特機器中的一個重要齒輪。

為了保持重要,福特提供了一個中期更新,其中僅包括對汽車外觀的微小改動,但其下的一些更實質性的改裝旨在提高安全性、經濟性和展廳吸引力,包括可選的同類產品中最大的 13.2 -英寸信息娛樂屏幕,採用福特最新的 SYNC 4 技術。

乍一看,2022 款福特福克斯與它所取代的汽車並沒有太大的不同。福特表示,它展示了公司“以人為本”設計理念的新迭代,在這種情況下,它表現為一個凸起的引擎蓋,以提供“更好的視覺效果”,並將福特藍色橢圓形徽章從格柵上方重新定位到耳光,在它的中心爆炸。每款車型都配備集成霧燈的 LED 大燈和更獨特的日光行車燈,後部 LED 具有新的光模式。

但這一次,福特投入了更大的努力來創造可識別的風格差異焦點模型。因此,Connected 和 Titanium 汽車獲得了寬大的上部格柵,帶有光澤鍍鉻環繞和單槓(Titanium 上的熱沖壓鍍鉻飾面)。

與此同時,以運動為主題的 ST-Line 具有亮黑色蜂窩狀格柵、更深的下部格柵和側裙、擴散器和後擾流板。 Crossover-aping Active 具有醜陋的垂直格柵條和塑料車身覆層,Titanium、ST-Line 和 Active 車型上提供的 Vignale 包包括緞面飾面上格柵和定制車輪。

最大的引擎蓋新聞是配備 123 馬力和 153 馬力 48 伏輕度混合動力 EcoBoost 四輪車的福克斯車型可選配七速雙離合變速器。儘管福特談到提高效率,但引用的最佳情況下的 119 克/公里和 47.9 英里/加侖(英制)數字明顯低於它列出的 116 克/公里和 51.4 英里/加侖的六速手動發動機。但是能夠實現三次降檔(在帶有標準換擋撥片的 ST-Line 上更容易),並且額外的傳動比意味著兩踏板車至少應該很有趣。

ST Hot Hatch 回歸

然而,它並不像福克斯 ST 那樣有趣,它回歸與大眾高爾夫 GTi 等熱門競爭對手一決高下。 276 馬力 2.3 升 EcoBoost 保持不變,但有一個新的合金輪轂設計,一個新的 Mean Green 油漆選項,在內部,機艙內部開發了一套新的性能座椅,取代了舊車的 Recaros。放棄那些大牌椅子並沒有讓 ST 更便宜。雖然 22,465 英鎊的入門級 Trend 僅比它取代的 Zetec 高 250 英鎊,並且 ST-Line 的價格上漲了 600 英鎊至 24,545 英鎊,但真正的 ST 現在售價 33,885 英鎊,這比之前的售價高出 3630 英鎊。 2020年車。


買家不相信輕度混合動力技術的可行性,更不用說 276 馬力的福克斯熱艙版可以指定 98 馬力和 123 馬力的非混合動力 1.0 升 EcoBoosts 專門搭配六速手動(和在英國祇有 123 馬力的形式)。對於那些無法戒掉柴油車習慣的人來說,福特的 EcoBlue 1.5 有 94 和 118 馬力的外觀可供選擇,在某些市場上可選擇六速手動或八速自動變速箱(但 118 馬力和僅自動變速箱)在英國)。

不過,對於許多客戶來說,儀表板中發生的事情與引擎蓋下發生的事情一樣重要。這就是為什麼新福克斯獲得福特最新的 Sync 4 通信系統,可以訪問在線服務,能夠接受無線更新並通過 FordPass 智能手機應用程序進行控制,以及一個 13.2 英寸的大型中央觸摸屏。福特聲稱該界面現在更加直觀,但當他們聽到加熱和通風的硬鍵已被屏蔽以支持屏幕控制時,很多人會不同意。





新福克斯沒有任何內容會跳出來告訴你這輛車突然會在銷售圖表中超越像 Mk8 VW Golf 這樣的競爭對手。它看起來基本相同,內部屏幕可能更大,但相當普通的內部結構在很大程度上被保留了下來,並且引擎蓋下沒有突破性的更新。但福特也沒有把舊車的優點搞得一團糟,所以駕駛起來仍然很棒,它裝備精良,而且非常寬敞。

2022 Ford Focus Gets Huge Screen, 7-Speed DCT For Mild Hybrids; ST Gains £3600, Loses Recaros

Ford’s Focus doesn’t get near the European best-sellers podium these days, it was withdrawn from North America two years ago, and Ford admits the Kuga/Escape crossover is its priority these days. But even in these SUV-crazed times the Focus remains an important cog in the global Ford machine.

To help it stay important Ford has served up a mid-cycle refresh that includes only minor changes to the car’s skin but some much more substantial mods under it aimed at boosting safety, economy and showroom appeal, including an optional biggest-in-class 13.2-inch infotainment screen with Ford’s latest SYNC 4 technology.

At a glance, the 2022 Ford Focus doesn’t appear radically different to the car it replaces. Ford says it showcases a new iteration of the company’s “human-centric” design philosophy, which in this case manifests itself as a raised hood for “greater visual presence” and the relocation of the Ford blue oval badge from above the grille to slap, bang in its center. Every model gets LED headlights with integrated foglights and more distinctive daylight running lights, and the the rear LEDs feature a new light pattern.

But this time around Ford has put greater effort into creating recognisable stylistic differences Focus models. So Connected and Titanium cars get a wide upper grille with gloss chrome surround and horizontal bars (hot stamped chrome finish on Titanium).

Sports-themed ST-Line, meanwhile, features a gloss black honeycomb grille, a deeper lower grills and side skirts, a diffuser and rear spoiler. The Crossover-aping Active has ugly vertical grille bars and plastic body cladding, and a Vignale pack available on Titanium, ST-Line and Active models includes a satin finish upper grille and bespoke wheels.

The biggest under-hood news is the option of a seven-speed dual-clutch transmission on Focus models fitted with the 123 hp and 153 hp 48-volt mild hybrid EcoBoost fours. Despite Ford’s talk of improved efficiency, the quoted best-case 119g/km and 47.9 mpg (Imperial) figures are significantly worse than the 116g/km and 51.4 mpg it lists for the same engines with the six-speed manual. But the ability to pull off triple downshifts (easier on ST-Line with its standard paddle shifters), and that extra gear ratio means the two-pedal cars should at least be fun to drive.

The ST Hot Hatch Returns

Not as fun, though, as the Focus ST, which returns to duke it out with hot hatch rivals like the VW Golf GTi. The 276-hp 2.3-liter EcoBoost is carried over unchanged, but there’s a new design of alloy wheel, a new Mean Green paint option, and inside, the cabin a new set of performance seats developed in-house replace the old car’s Recaros. Dropping those big-name chairs hasn’t made the ST any cheaper. While the £22,465 entry level Trend is only £250 more than the Zetec it replaces, and the ST-Line incurs a bearable £600 hike to £24,545, the real ST now costs £33,885, which represents a steep £3630 jump over the 2020 car.

Here’s Something For The Misers

Buyers not convinced about the viability of splashing for mild-hybrid tech, let alone a 276-hp hot hatch version of the Focus can specify 98 hp and 123 hp non-hybrid 1.0-liter EcoBoosts mated exclusively to a six-speed manual (and only in 123-hp form in the UK). And for people who just can’t kick their diesel habit, Ford’s EcoBlue 1.5 is available in 94 and 118 hp guises with a choice of six-speed manual or eight-speed auto transmissions in some markets (but 118-hp and auto-only in the UK).

For many customers though, what’s going on in the dashboard is every bit as important as what’s going on under the bonnet. Which is why the new Focus gets Ford’s latest Sync 4 communication system with access to online services, the ability to accept over-air updates and be controlled via the FordPass smartphone app, and a large 13.2-inch central touchscreen. Ford claims that the interface is now more intuitive, but plenty of people will disagree when they hear that the hard keys for heating and ventilation have been canned in favour of in-screen controls.

More Electronic Safety Aids

And since safety ranks nearly as high as connectivity on many buyers’ priority lists these days, Ford hasn’t forgotten to bolster the Focus’s arsenal of protective technologies, and fill in some important omissions, including blind spot monitoring and intersection assist that you can bet customers were asking for.

What you probably didn’t guess that Focus wagon customers were asking for was a new kind of close-cropped trunk carpet that’s easier to clean, an adjustable load floor with a central hinge that can be folded to crate two trunk compartments, and wet zone for storing wet suits and umbrellas. But Ford says it’s added them all due to customer demand.

Small Improvements, Same Solid Base

There’s nothing about the new Focus that jumps out and tells you this car is suddenly going to leap head and shoulders above rivals like the Mk8 VW Golf in the sales charts. It looks mostly the same, the interior screen might be bigger but the fairly ordinary interior is largely carried over, and there are no groundbreaking updates under the hood. But Ford hasn’t messed with the good bits about the old car either, so it’ll still be great to drive, it’s well equipped and pretty roomy.
7 速 DCT???

開心就拍手 wrote:
7 速 DCT???(恕刪)

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