[教學]讓手機透過藍芽 分享電腦的網路 用手機上網....(only SE)

可惜..沒有我的..DOPOD 9000

你的 SDK SDJ 我都沒辦法載耶


然後載到的東西怪怪的 ESE 檔案 = =

另一個 再 SE 官網載的 我載兩個小時 載到 一半都段掉 好幾次了

我用很多次 爬很多文
感謝開板大大的好文,讓我的K600i + 2g sim卡可以使用藍牙和PC連線,

4.顯示5個城市時間,可顯示單一城市天氣,與貨幣匯率的WorldMate Lite
5.上網連報時server,查正確時間的Daytime (但不能同步調整手機時間?)

要執行那些java工具,在手機與PC藍牙連線後,必須由device explorer開啟:
1.在device explorer左邊視窗中,點選想要執行的java工具,ex:台鐵時刻
4.最重要的是:若下載完了,想結束該java工具,一定要由device explorer來

幾次手太快,直接在手機上按exit/離開來結束由device explorer開啟的java
工具,結果手機與pc的藍牙就算斷掉了! 得先關掉device explorer/connect proxy
,重新將手機與pc藍牙連線,再開啟connect proxy/device explorer,才能繼續

至於opera mini,我經驗是沒辦法成功,除了剛開始的網頁外,比如說由google查到
手機王,再點選手機王,就一直碰到timeout視窗,叫我去更改connect proxy的設定值

JDK載點 第一個 要選哪個下載阿

拜託跟我說一下 或是補給我直接下載的連結好嗎
可是開啟Connection Proxy Settings時出現的錯誤的訊息

# Sony Ericsson SDK for the Java(TM) ME Platform, Properties File
# FileName: [SDK Home]\lib\sdkme.properties
# The settings in this properties file control the behavior of the
# tools that make up the SEMC SDK for the Java(TM) ME Platform. To
# make a change, edit the settings in this file, save the file and
# then restart the tools. The tools will then read the new settings
# from this file.
# IMPORTANT: ***>> Before making any changes to this file <<***
# ***>> make a backup copy of the original. <<***
# NOTE: If this file becomes corrupted, remove the file and then
# restart the connection proxy to have a default .properties file
# automatically generated.

# *******************************************************************
# connection proxy settings
# *******************************************************************

# Serial communication port parameters.
# For example, "COM1", "COM2", "/dev/ttyS0"

# NOTE: The comm and baud properties are IGNORED after the File -> Settings
# !!! dialog has been used to set the COM port or baud rate.
# !!! the File -> Settings
# !!!!!!!!!!!
comm: COM1
baud: 115200
# !!!!!!!!!!!

baud.selections: 9600, 14400, 28800, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600
flowcontrol.in: None
flowcontrol.out: None
parity: None
databits: 8
stopbits: 1

serialproxy.disable_cable_pull_listener: false

# Command that places the handset into SSTCP mode
jdm.start: AT*SESSTCP

# Time out for reading the response to the AT command
timeout.readatcmd: 500

# milliseconds to wait for responses from the handset
timeout.proxy: 4000

# Time interval between pings. Set to 0 to disable.
ping.time: 10000

# Size of SSTCP Data Segments
segment.size: 256

# Command that stops the JDM on the handset
jdm.stop: close

# Proxy Debug
# proxy.debug: true

# Proxy trace XMT/RCV data segments
# proxy.trace.rcv: true
# proxy.trace.rcv.payload: true
# proxy.trace.xmt: true
# proxy.trace.xmt.payload: true

# The Connection Proxy will listen on each of these TCP/IP
# ports and map them to the specified SSTCP port.

# SDK Debug Protocol to JDM (light traffic)
port.map.tcpip.6080: 7

# SDK Debug Protocol to JDM (heavy traffic)
port.map.tcpip.6081: 11

# KVM Redirection of System.out and System.err
port.map.tcpip.6082: 4

# KDWP Protocol to KVM
port.map.kdwp.6083: 6

# Off-Device Class Loading from KVM
port.map.sstcp.14: 6084

# The ConnectionProxy uses this port to limit itself
# to one running instance.
port.instancecontrol: 6079

# Whichever tool handles off-device
# classloading listens on this port.
# (make sure it's mapped above)
port.odcl: 6084

# *******************************************************************
# tools
# includes command line tool, GUI Tool and UEI Tool.
# *******************************************************************

# Maximum attempts a tool will make to start the ConnectionProxy
proxy.tries: 5

# amount of time a tool will wait for a response to a command.
# Set to 0 to disable.
timeout.tool: 10000

# This are the IP port numbers which the tools use
# to connect to the proxy. Make sure there's a
# mapping above for each port below.

# Default port number for commands
tool.default.tcpip.port: 6080

# Port number for the install command
tool.install.tcpip.port: 6081

# Port number for the open command
tool.open.tcpip.port: 6082

# *******************************************************************
# Log Files.
# The location of the log file for the connection proxy paths must be
# delimited Java-style: with "/" as the separator.
# *******************************************************************

# The location of the log file for the Connection Proxy
logfile.proxy: /logs/connectionproxy.log
# Number of logs to keep around
logs.proxy: 3

# The location of the log file for the ejava tool
logfile.ejavatool: /logs/ejavatool.log
# Number of logs to keep around
logs.ejavatool: 3

# The location of the log file for the GUI tool
logfile.guitool: /logs/guitool.log
# Number of logs to keep around
logs.guitool: 3

# The location of the log file for the UEI tool
logfile.ueitool: /logs/uei.log
# Number of logs to keep around
logs.ueitool: 3

# log verbosity
# valid values are: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, ALL
# ALL => maximum verbose, as many messages as possible
# HIGH => very verbose, lots of messages
# LOW => few messages (mostly critical errors)
proxy.loglevel: LOW
ejavatool.loglevel: LOW
ueitool.loglevel: LOW
guitool.loglevel: LOW

# Turn on verbose logging from KDWP debug agent
#kdwp.agent.verbose: 1

# Autodetection of peer disconnect may not work
# for some serial cables. If you encounter a problem
# that Connection Proxy fails to connect immediately
# (without delays) after pressing "Connect" button.
# However, disabling autodetection increases timeout
# for detecting disconnections from phone side.
# Default value is true.
# Uncomment this line to disable autodetection
#autodetect.disconnections: false
請輸入您要前往的頁數(1 ~ 25)

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