
This article is especially for the people who are looking forward to upgrading their devices to these fur... 更多
Have you already updated to the latest iOS 13 on your iDevice? Then you probably are experiencing amazing... 更多
For those who have taken delivery of one of Apple’s new iPhone 11 range of smartphones, the idea of being... 更多
How do you like to enhance the performance of your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch? Well, if you have no idea ... 更多
已經刪除了ext3nder 可是icon卻沒消失請問該如何解決? 更多
The relationship between iDevices and Cydia app is very strong, and it has been continuing since the rele... 更多
Electra Team has released the Chimera jailbreak for iOS 12 and it is now available for download. Chimera ... 更多
手機型號: iPhone8手機版本: iOS 11.4.1使用越獄系統: Electra (3.0版本)相信有不少人跟我一樣,前幾天按下更新後Cydia就被消失了..雖然依舊保有越獄狀態,已下載的插件都能夠正常... 更多
Cydia is a software application that automatically gets installed onto your iOS device after you jailbrea... 更多
我的是11.3 ipad,剛在cydia下載一個插件後就出問題了,點進任何一個app就馬上respring所以只能重啟回到未越獄狀態才能正常使用請問有什麼方法進入cydia把那個插件刪除? 更多

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